My kitten is here! Her rescue story also posted here.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2008
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Cleveland-area, Ohio, USA
So my kitten is here! She has a very sad story, but it's going to be one heckuva happy ending :).

She was born to the "mama" cat of a woman in Cleveland (I don't have specifics more than that). There were 6 kittens. The woman who owned "mama" was married to a man who despied both her and her cat (with kittens in tow). And he threatened to run them all over, one by one, with his truck. The woman was freaking out and called every shelter and rescue that she could get a number to, but none would take the kittens right away. Well, 5 kittens went "missing" and my little girl was found by the woman and was taken to a friend of mine's house. My friend contacted me and asked if I would adopt this baby and I said yes. And I'm so glad I did!

She's a little black kitty girl - maybe only 6-8 weeks old. She's flea free and the vet who saw her (my friend took her this morning) said she seems 100% healthy. And she is, in fact, a she. She's completely black with light bluish/greenish eyes. I suspect they'll be green, but who knows. She's absolutely adorable, but I haven't named her yet. Any suggestions?

I need help with knowing what is and isn't normal in kittens and also the best food to feed, safe toys and litters...everything! Any advice would be so greatly appreciated! And of course, names too ;).

Right now I have her in a very large dog crate(for extra large dogs) in my bedroom. My mom picked up a litter pan and food dish and I just used the Yesterday's News I had left from my buns to fill her litter box. I scratched her paws in it earlier. And my mom also got Purina Kitten Chow for now and I gave her a small amount with plenty of water. She's been here since a bit before 3pm, but I really haven't seen her urinate or go to the bathroom at all and she's only picked at her food and drank her water. I'm assuming she's just terrified and to give her time, but I will keep an eye on her. She lays in a corner and sleeps a lot, but again I think she's just scared. Am I doing everything okay? Is there anything else I should be doing that I'm not?

I'm going to be heading to bed in a little bit, but will check back before I do and hopefully some help will have arrived. So names, advice, and well it?! Ha ha! Really now...please...

Oh, and by the way, I'll try to snap some pics of her tomorrow with my cell since our camera won't be ready from the shop until tomorrow night sometime. Thanks!
Congrats on the kitten! I adopted a cat last fall, she's 4 now and it was one of the best choices I've ever made.

I'd say she was a little champion if she made it out alive. When I was looking for names for the hamster I rescued a few months ago, I was looking up other languages for miracle and also gaelic names for champion (or something along those lines)

the two gaelic names I found were: neala- gaelic- The champion. Feminine form of Neal or Neil. And carlin- gaelic- little champion.

We ended up calling her Neala. I definitely look at the meaning of a name as a large factor of what their name becomes.

When you're looking at kibble, you're going to want to have meat as the first ingredient, things like fish meal, chicken meal, and so on are fine, but when it's a meal byproduct or simply a byproduct, you don't want that food. Also look at the ash content, the lower the better. My cat was on cat food from a bulk food store, so I'm slowly switching her to a better quality food. I'm using nutrience right now and then going up to Nurto, I like the sound of nutro and it's ingredients. There's also always the option of a raw diet, when done right, it's by far the best option for your cat. The cat litter really has to do with your cats prefrence... But try to get a low dust one, clumping is also the healthiest. I use swheat scoop, it clumps, it's all natural, and it's flushable.

Cats sleep alot, too... So don't worry too much as long as the kitten is alert when she is awake.

Have fun with your new kitten!

I just had a little cuddle session with her and she's such a little sweetheart! I put her down on my bed and I laid next to her and she just came right up and snuggled into me. And she purred like a maniac while also occasionally trying to get a hold of my hair :).

She's nibbled maybe some of her food and drank some, but not a ton. She still shakes a bit so it's my guess she's scared and will continue to calm down as she feels safer here. Still no peeing or pooping, but I'll definitely keep an eye on that. She may have gone a very small amount and I just can't tell. But it's something I'll watch.

The only thing that has me concerned is she has a little white"stuff" next to her nose. Not in it or coming directly out of it (as far as I can tell her nose looks clean - it's moist, but not wet and seems like a normal, healthy cat nose) but it's kind of dried. It could be nothing, but I figured I'd bring it up. Nose does look clear and eyes look good too although she has the occasional "eye booger" similar to the ones my healthy dog has. You know, the dry thingies by their eyes?I'm sure I'm justbeing a worried new mom and that she's perfectly fine. I do this with all my animals so it makes sense she'd be added to the list :p.

She really is absolutely darling and the cuddle session made me never want to let her go. But since I do have my dog in my bedroom with me, back to the crate for the kitten tonight. It's spacious, comfy, and full of blankets so I'm sure it's good. Maybe I'll even throw something in of mine for her to sleep with for the night. Aww. I just love her already! But she does need a name. Hmm...

Sometimes cats get litter dust on their nose, that could be the white stuff you're seeing. She sounds like a cuddlemonster! She may get more independent once she gets used to everything, but I'm sure she'll still like cuddling.
she sounds wonderful! i'm sure she's very happy yo be with you:bunnydance:

what about these for names-

(these have a bit of a 'black' theme)


Beauty(like in Black Beauty)




Smoky*(yeah, i know it's more of a gray kitty name, but for some reason i just had to put it............................:p)


(other, non-black names)






Petal(i like this one, first time I've thought of it too:cool:!)






note: all names with a * after them are names of crystals, found pics of her!
Well, little miss was up the entire night crying. I barely slept. I kept her in the crate all night since I don't know if she's litter trained and I also didn't want her to get into anything. She's still crying now and I don't know what to do to help her! Please tell me I'm not a bad kitty-mom. I feel horrible, tired, and just plain overwhelmed. I don't know what to do for her.

She also hasn't really eaten or drank anything. Maybe a little water and a bite of food, but I honestly don't know because it looks untouched. She also hasn't used her litter box yet. I'm getting worried, but I don't know what to do. I'm inclined to see what happens until this afternoon (as that will be a full 24 hours that she's been here) and then take action if it's warranted. Does that seem like an okay plan?

I'm totally out of my league here and I feel like I ruined this kitten's life by taking her in and adopting her despite being relatively new to cats. The poor thing doesn't even have a name yet. And I'm too tired, honestly, to think of anything.

Please help! :tears2::pullhair::help

Alexah wrote:
Well, little miss was up the entire night crying. I barely slept. I kept her in the crate all night since I don't know if she's litter trained and I also didn't want her to get into anything. She's still crying now and I don't know what to do to help her! Please tell me I'm not a bad kitty-mom. I feel horrible, tired, and just plain overwhelmed. I don't know what to do for her.

She also hasn't really eaten or drank anything. Maybe a little water and a bite of food, but I honestly don't know because it looks untouched. She also hasn't used her litter box yet. I'm getting worried, but I don't know what to do. I'm inclined to see what happens until this afternoon (as that will be a full 24 hours that she's been here) and then take action if it's warranted. Does that seem like an okay plan?

I'm totally out of my league here and I feel like I ruined this kitten's life by taking her in and adopting her despite being relatively new to cats. The poor thing doesn't even have a name yet. And I'm too tired, honestly, to think of anything.

Please help! :tears2::pullhair::help

You're not a bad cat-mom. She's young, very young, and just scared. She will cry some but she will calm down. She may already know how to use the litter box, most do. I haven't met one that doesn't but there may be some that do not.

If she is that young too and it sounds as though she came from a bad situation then she may not be used to eating the dry food. You may try some wet. Actually wet food is better for cats, it's more what they normally eat. When looking you should (if possible) look at a pet store and look for the better quality (some are Nutro, Innova, Chicken Soup for the Cat Lover...I can not remember the others. Our pet store has a small variety so I never had a lot to choose from. Oh yes, Wellness). Those are also good dry brands to look for too.

You also have not ruined her've improved it. We all started somewhere. I have two cats so I know what it's like although mine are older now (one is 4 and the other one almost 5). I'll be glad to help if you have any questions. One thing I know some about is cat nutrition. I don't necessarily know all of the specifics but I know brands and stuff like that. It'll be ok...promise :).

Jet - as in Jet black and she jetted outta there when the idiot creep went to get them aparently! :X
I like the name Onyx because I had a kitty named that as a kid. I also like "Eclipse" because my other kitty was named that...both pure black kitties.

Great job for taking in this kitty :)!
your not being a bad kitty mommy, she's just young and scared.

with the water, fill it up to a certain level and the watch to see if it goes down. you could also put a little food coloring in the water(not red, don't want to miss anything. something dark, like blue or green) and then it'll be easier to see the tinkle in the litter(clumping litter makes it easier to see where they've gone(and easier to clean up;))). if she really doesn't want to eat or drinkyou could always run to Walmart and pick up some kitten milk and a bottle(fyi you have to make the holes in the nipple yourself. i got one to play with with my toy animals, and i couldn't figure out for the life of me why nothing was coming out!). she's still pretty young, and might have still been nursing(how long has she been away from her momma?). one more thing that might help(i've never done this myself, but it's supposed to help)is putting a ticking clock in with her. it might sooth her(but i'm just guessing:?).or maybe a warm water bottle wrapped in a towel.

oh, i just thought of something. if she's not used to dogs, your dog might be scaring her. i hope she feels better soon(and that maybe some of this is useful:p:D:biggrin2:!)

The little black kitten I rescued many years ago...I named Loki. It turned out to be an appropriate name as she was always getting into mischief. Have fun with your new kitten! Where are the photos? :)