My kid is making me nuts!

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Jun 21, 2012
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York, South Carolina, USA
My child is making me nuts! I am a stay at home mom, so I'm with him all day every day.
Sometimes I get a break from him for a little bit, one of his grand mothers usually takes him for a few hours for my husband and I to go out to eat.
The last time someone else had my child it was well over a month ago and I NEED SOMEONE TO TAKE HIM! hahaha.
We're going to my in-laws today and I'm just dropping this kid off and high tailing it out of there! Just kidding.
My husband worked all day yesterday, he has a small weekend job that he works every now and then. He really enjoys is so its not like its all work. He was gone from 5am to 12am. There is a lot of travel time for him. Then he gets up first thing this morning and goes to play golf. So I've been here all weekend with no one and this baby! hahahaha.
And my son is WIDE OPEN ALL THE TIME! From the moment he wakes up until he finally passes out.

Oh and I should add that, this morning my hub was about to change my son and then I walked into his room with some milk and my hun looked at me, looked at the baby, made the ehhh face and pointed to the diaper and was like "hey, can you change this? I have a tee time." I just stared blankly at him then flipped him off. That was the second time I had been up with my son this morning, the first time was at 6:11am.

I know this probably sounds bad, but its not as bad as it sounds.
Do any of you parents ever want to drop your kids off with their grandparents and take off running?
You need to tell your husband your feelings about this. He can have his tee time if you have your tea time or whatever you want to do. You have to be off-duty SOME of the time.
:yeahthat: Agreed. I called it my 'sanity break.' It's perfectly normal for you to need some time off yourself, kid-free.

Sometimes it isn't easy for a husband to understand the emotional drain it takes to watch a toddler 24/7. He may think you "have it easy" because you are stay-at-home. And he may also think that, because you are a woman, you are wired to be able to handle a toddler without a need for a personal break. Good communication can help him understand.

Just as he likes his break from work, you also need a break.

(none of my kids were nappers either- they were energizer kids all day long.)
there's a reason I have bunnies instead of kids, lol. can't say I blame you for needing a little "me time" now and then!
Morgan...I'm right there with you! I think we've chatted about this before :)

It is okay for a mom to need "me time"! And it is okay to have the need to drop the baby off and get outta there! Being a mom is a 24/7 job and it is exhausting. Sometimes men don't really understand what it is like. I do agree with some of the PP's that communication here is key. Your husband can't read your mind. You need to tell him how you feel. And don't do it when you are angry already. Then things just come out wrong and he'll get defensive.

I had my son somewhat later in life ( by some people's standards) at 31. My husband and I had been together 14 years. We had a very fun and kid free life. I worked my entire life, quit my job when my son came and it was quite an adjustment for both of us. Although I was doing exactly what i wanted to do (stay home) I still felt stressed about not having time to myself anymore. And that I was turning into a frumpy housewife. And my husband still got to golf and do all sorts of fun things! But the deal was I just needed to communicate my needs and we worked out a balance.

So talk to your husband, get some time to yourself, and give yourself permission to need time away sometimes. It doesn't make you a bad mom. Plus, if I remember isn't yourmson like 16-18 months old? If so, that's a tough age. It was for me anyway. Since my son turned 3 it has been waaay less stressful.

Hang in there!
i dont have kids but everyone needs their me time me time is very important! and of course parents sometimes want to get awya from their kids and have some times to themselves. thats why baby sitters and grandparents exist. (thats what my mom always said) but seriously one thing that always seemed imporant to me was having some me time. for my mom growing up she worked at a school. so she got ome same time we did and my dad wouldnt get home until around 8 or 9 pm and he would leave at around 4 in the morning. but her me time was every day she would go walking when my dad came home. my bf's mom had it hard she was a stay at home mom with 4 kids the age difference between the oldest and youngest is 10 years. but she would drop off the kids at school and on tuesdays and thursdays (because holidays sometimes land on mondays) she would go to a cycling class drop the youngest off at either a day care or with the grandparents. and when a movie came out she wanted to watch she would go on the weekend and see the movie by herself and then later take the whole family to go see the movie (she would say " well i want to be able to enjoy the movie" but she would always take them to see it too if she deemed it appropriate it was also a way for her to screen the movies.)

being a parent is a full time job 24/7 you dont get a day off especially being a stay at home mom. so taking some hours to yourself or even being allowed to sleep in for a little bit on your husbands day off (if you can that is i know my mom would know right when i woke up and could not go back to sleep) whatever it is you enjoy you should be allowed to do something fun too your husband has golf you should have something too. even though you give up a lot to have kinds youre allowed to keep our sanity so if you need a break maybe not daily but when you need it you should talk to him about it. he will understand im sure and even help you to have it communication!
I have a loony father in law, Larry. He doesn't live with us THANK GOD! But, it was about to happen.(damn mental break downs) I had to put my foot down on that one! Having a loony in law is about as draining as blood letting. I would take never having a break from my kid EVER again over living with my father in law. hahahaha.

I did talk to my husband about it everyone, and he said he was sorry for being snippy with his tee time.
And I did get a break last night! We left my son with my mother in law and went to my friends house for my hub to help fix her car. It wasn't like a date, but it was nice to be able to see my best friend and her parents. I did miss him though! We got home very very late and on the way home I was thinking to myself that its too late to have the baby out and how bad of parent I was. Then I remembered that I didn't have my son, and he had been in bed for hours already!
But, we did over sleep this morning, because there was no child yelling 'mama' at 6 am like normal!
I guess its just one of those things when you have kids. You can't wait to get a few hours to yourself, then when you have it. You miss them like crazy, because even though they make you want to pull your hair out; they're your little specials and you love them!
Morgan, I'm glad you got your "me" time. And I agree about missing them when you finally do get that time. Even though I'm not a parent, I practically raised my mom's friend's little girl. I got paid to babysit Sierra all day, bathe her, play with her, potty train her, all that, from the time she was 2.5 until she turned Six. I had her 24/7 and she was even staying at my house during the week, even though her mother was home. She might as well have been my daughter, I taught her everything; Then her mother took her to TN :tears2:
Thats sad that she took her, but its good of you to take care of her like that. I was a full time nanny when I was younger and I spent SO much time with that child, then went and worked my real job. Its hard when you have to leave them, even when they aren't yours.

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