Well, since I asked for help in the Infirmary I figured I should probably introduce myself.
Hello, I'm Kaylee. I will be 23 years old on Tuesday. And Ilive in the 'middle of nowhere', New Hampshire, USA.
My bunny is Dutch Amadeus Maxim. I got him from the Humane Society when I moved into my own apartment in November of 2007. I don't know how old he is, he was labeled an adult which basicallyjust means he's not young and not old they couldn't narrow it down any closer for me. He is a black and white Dutch. Heloves to grunt and hit when he disapproves of what you're doing but will sit for an hour if you'll just rub his head the right way.
Technically he is my second rabbit. We had one growing up but it was really my mom's and she took care of it. We just played with her. She was a black mini-lop named Sabrina.
And that's all I can think of right now. So, hi everyone! Any questions?
Hello, I'm Kaylee. I will be 23 years old on Tuesday. And Ilive in the 'middle of nowhere', New Hampshire, USA.
My bunny is Dutch Amadeus Maxim. I got him from the Humane Society when I moved into my own apartment in November of 2007. I don't know how old he is, he was labeled an adult which basicallyjust means he's not young and not old they couldn't narrow it down any closer for me. He is a black and white Dutch. Heloves to grunt and hit when he disapproves of what you're doing but will sit for an hour if you'll just rub his head the right way.
Technically he is my second rabbit. We had one growing up but it was really my mom's and she took care of it. We just played with her. She was a black mini-lop named Sabrina.
And that's all I can think of right now. So, hi everyone! Any questions?