My Hopping Life

Rabbits Online Forum

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Jun 20, 2011
Reaction score
Arkansas City, Kansas, USA
I hav had a total of12 rabbits. I currently hav 4, 2 died of old age, 1 died cuz of birth problems, 5 went to new homes. I show my rabbits this is my 2nd year last year i had just one rescue rabbit and she won reserved breed champion:highfive:. (that is really good)
people hav been rather rude about the fact that i rehomed some bunnies but the were wild rabbits that we rescued and i was 8 years old my parents said they were to mean so we let them go except one we gave it to a friend. (who's lil neibors let it out and her dogs killed it:tears2:. I helped bury it.)

I hope this explained why i "rehomed" them.
Aw that's sad about the other bunnies. Sounds like you were a little kid and couldn't have done anything. Tell us about the bunnies you have now! With pictures, if possible :)
kk i have pippin palo and zelda. zelda is 17 years old. idk how old pippin and palo are. pippin is a gray hollandlop, palo is a white mini satin, and zelda is white and brown mix (she is my avatar pic). palo is shy and alil scared of humans. Pippin is cuddly and fuzzy. Zelda is large playful and mischevious.
4 of my 7 rabbits died today i think it was from cold but i am not sure now I only hav Willow, Pippin, and Susanne. I think I would die if something happened to Pippin.
My school is havin the annual acms grammys show I am sing an aretha franklin medley. I just started an acting class i am the oldest there