My Hooman twied to kill me

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Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2012
Reaction score
Riverside, California, USA
So my hooman twied to cut my toe nails today.:pssd: I hate dat so much that I kicked when she was cutting. Well the next ding I no is I iz bleeding everywhere. I waz so scared and kept twing to get away but she wouldn't let me go. It took for ever for someone to get to my house with this stuff to make it stop. I WAS SCARED!!! But they put stuff on my foot and the bleeding stopped. I was finally able to go hide in for a while.

But while my hooman was holding me down she looked at my scent glands and they were clean so at least I don't have to do dat. And she said my teeth were ok. I could have told her dat I eat everyding. But she said I the hair on my butt is matted. Why I don't no what dat mean.

I iz ok now I was given some cilantro and watermelon to eat and now I iz going to take a nap. BUT watch out it could happen to you.
Pidge here!!! ohs my goodnezz...same d'ang just happeneed to meeee!! I waz lezzzzzzzz forgiving thoughs...mumz is not allowed to touch no more. No sweets will make me forgive her!!!! *sniffs air* cept maybe dat nana
Oh I still pretty shaking up about it. Dat hooman keeps coming up and twing to pet me and say sorry. I just get so scared I can't move and start breating all heavy. I no letting her touch my feets again!

Ya nana's is good maybe if I stay mad I get more tweets too.;)

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