My Friends Dog... [HELP]

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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2008
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Northamptonshire, , United Kingdom
My best friends dog (cocker spaniel) has been drinking loads of water recently and doing massive wee's on the floor :shock:Day and Night, whereas usually he is very good.

Friends mum thinks it could be something to do with a kidney problem can anyone help?

He is called Bramble and is about 12 years old...

Thanks in advance

Becca x
She needs to go to the vets, and if she is deemed healthy then they may need a beahviouralist, but chances are it is physical.
Flashy wrote:
She needs to go to the vets, and if she is deemed healthy then they may need a beahviouralist, but chances are it is physical.

Sorry for stalking and always repeating...

I agree. Especially at this age andsince the dog's ben drinking more than usual, it's most likely physical and needs to be checked. I think they have enough info there to realize that they should take the dog to a vet :)I hope she feels better soon
I definately agree that he needs to go to a vet!!

My dog (who lives with my parents) Kim started doing that- he would pee upstairs at night, which he never ever did. He has kidney problems and cushing's disease. He had to have blood tests before it was all diagnosed.

Like the other said, especially with the age of the dog, physical causes seem more likely...
Sounds like diabetes to me, but no matter what a vet visit is in order no matter what this is it is clearly something serious adn left untreated who knows what could happen.
Cove wrote:
Sounds like diabetes to me, but no matter what a vet visit is in order no matter what this is it is clearly something serious adn left untreated who knows what could happen.
They took him to the vets and it is in fact Diabetes!

He was sick a couple of times as in *throw up* bless him.

So he ha to have an injection everday... at least it should help.
That's good. I'm glad they got him the right help :) I hope having this treatment and the problem identified improves how he feels and his quality of life.
My parent's dog, Bridget (RIP), was diabetic. We had to give her the insulin shots twice a day. Thank goodness she was so mellow... She had the wee problems before, too.

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