Hi, Welcome to the Forum!
I moved your thread over to the Rabbitry section, where breeders can see your post. They are the ones who deal with baby bunnies the most, and will be able to give you the best advice.
Can you tell us your location? Best is to put it in your profile, even just a country will help. There are different things available in different countries, so it will help us to help you
Personally I would dry off the baby, and make sure it's warm. At three days old, they don't have much (if any) fur to soak up the water. Once it's warm, put it back with it's litter mates.
Are the babies in a nest box? A nest box will help keep the babies contain and prevent mom from spilling her water on them again in the future. It also helps keep the babies from wandering away from the nest and getting cold.
As for the mom feeding the babies, I would get them into a nest box and then put mom on top of the babies. Feed her treats and giver her pets to distract her and keep her calm so her milk drops. You can do this a couple of times a day, and this will teach her what to while also increasing her milk supply by simulating her mammory glands.
To make a nest box, you can use anything that the mom can fit comfortably in. I have used a shoe box in the past. Put an inch or two of shavings in the bottom(make sure it's kiln dried and not cedar), then put a bunch of hay/straw on top to fill the box. Make a hole in the middle of the hay and move the babies with any fur and nesting material from the orginal nest into the hole. Put the box in the same spot as the nest before, or if the nest was in an aquard spot before, just a corner where the mom doesn't go to the bathroom.