My employers are.........

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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
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Bristol, , United Kingdom

Its the nicest word I can think of I can use on this forum to describe them...... :?

Basically, I think some of you read the post I made a while ago saying that I may be made redundant? It's definately happening, on the 8th September I think. I've been told what my pay out will be, etc etc....

Bit of background- I've worked in Customer Services as a trainer/coach for a big mobile phone network for 4 years now, but due to health reasons I've been unable to work for the past year. My employers have been less than supportive throughout- before I went off sick, I would be throwing up, nearly falling over, having 'spinning' episodes, etc, all at work during the day. Whenever I spoke to my manager about it, she would just say 'well, as long as you can complete your targets for this week, that's all that matters' :( Eventually, I just became so stressed and sick that I couldn't get out of bed without falling over, was constantly vomiting, and just couldn't physically go into work.

They never, EVER believed me. Every time I spoke to my manager, or to Occupational Health (who were supposed to be independant and on MY side), they'd say things like 'well, if at age 23, you can't work in a call centre, maybe you need to find somewhere you can work!' etc etc... My manager once said to me, in a meeting, most sarcastically, 'oh, wouldn't it be terrible, if you didn't get better and had to claim disability living allowance and all that?'. They made me see an 'independant' doctor, who just basically told me that he didn't believe there was anything wrong with me, and reminded me that if I didn't go back to work, I'd be sacked, and what would I do then? All along, I keep getting reminded that I could be sacked at any time...

Well, one year on, I AM claiming Disability Living Allowance. I've been awarded the higher level Mobility Component, due to the fact that I generally can't leave the house on my own due to the risk of falling, and being unable to walk very far at all, and the middle Care Component, due to the fact that I am at risk of falling and injuring myself at home etc. It's good news in that I'm getting financial support, but at the same time, at 24, it's not really where I saw myself being!

Anyway, my work have had this insurance claim going, for income protection, and the claim started back in December I think. I had someone come out to my house a couple of times and ask me a million questions about my illness, how it affects my ability to do my job, how it affects my daily job, etc etc. I've heard nothing for months from them now.

But, the other day, I get a letter, special delivery, from work. It includes the insurance company's decision- they aren't liable! They say, and I qoute: 'Miss XXX is, in our opinion, able to carry out the substantial duties of her job and doesn't appear to live a restricted lifestyle'. Therefore, my employers wanted to invite me for a 'formal meeting under the company's long-term abscence policy'. This is the meeting where they can sack me if I 'refuse to return to work'.... :?

Luckily, there's an option to appeal to the insurance company, if you feel that the decision is unfair in any way, or that there is further evidence to consider. I've told my employers that I will be appealing, citing my DLA (Disability Living Allowance) assessment as further evidence. They used letters from my doctor and a medical report to make their decision, same as the insurance company, so how can the 2 be so different in outcomes? Luckily, that's managed to postpone the meeting (which was due to be next Tuesday) until the result of the appeal, which hopefully coould take weeks.

I also found out though, that legally they aren't allowed to sack me, unless for reasons of gross misconduct, now that they've already announced and confirmed my redundancy. So I'm all ready to go and see an employment law solicitor should they try to do so- it looks like to me and everyone else I've told that they want to try and screw me out of my redundancy package....

It's just sooooo stressful. I've had nothing but..... *rubbish* from this company for the past year, and it's just getting me down beyond all reason now. I am seriously counting down the days until I can be free of them and not have to endure their horrible spiteful, sarcastic phonecalls, and their invites to a meeting, into the building where none of my colleagues and previous friends will even look me in the eye, because they've all been told, and believe that there's nothing wrong with me and I'm making it all up.... :in tears::in tears::in tears:

Also, I just want to add, that I'm not just trying to screw them out of the money. In fact, the money is second to the fact that I will be free of them, but I can't pretend it doesn't matter, when it does. After I'm made redundant I don't know when I'll be able to work again and will be surviving purely on benefits, so I have to protect my interests....

I just want it all to be over- NOW!!!!

Sorry this was so long- thanks for letting me rant, anyone who has managed to read all this!!! :shock:

mouse_chalk wrote:
Sorry this was so long- thanks for letting me rant, anyone who has managed to read all this!!! :shock:


it wasn't that long;)

now, i think you need a

Oh gosh reading what you have been through this past year I feel so bad for you.

I guess all Insurance Company Doctors are the same. I have been through similar nonsense because of the car accidents I was in 2 years ago. I had one YAHOO (Dr) say i could work and do all my house hold chores etc etc, so my own "Wonderful Insurance" company cut me of all of my benefits as of April 8, so I have no money comung in right now. I totally agree with you to get a lawyer. I'm suing my own Insurance Company right now along with the two drivers that hit me.

I really hope everything works out for you.


Thank you, Susan and LadyBug!

It has just been a really stressful year for me, regarding this whole thing. It's only when I sit down and think about it that I realise that it's the thing that worries me most and keeps me up at night... I've not even been worried about being sacked, more the stress they put me under and the 'non-believing'. I've often wished they'd just sack me and have done with it- I know I never want to go back there anyway due to the way they've treated me... I'm glad I held off though, as if it comes through ok, this money is really going to help me a lot... :?

Susan, I'm so sorry you're going through all that too! Insurance companies suck, don't they? I hope you can get things sorted out too... :hug:
I've been through all this myself many years ago when I became mysteriously sick and BOOM went from an A personality who never stopped working or moving to a person that was too sick to get out of bed , talk on the phone or do ANYTHING. I am better now but have no ability or reserve to push myself . I have to watch that i get rest, and don't overdo or i will end up flat on my back again. I have established this asa routine ...the way i stay well enough to function and i haven't been 'down in bed" for a long time. thank God!

I know how you feel try explaining to guys how hard it is to stand (sorry guys) when you have your period because of endometriosis making it ten times worse. Or the other issue I have my migraines that are so severe I have had to go to the hospital several times for them. Employers can suck big time. They just care that you are in doing work for them.
Oh! I'm SO sorry you're having to go through this. I know EXACTLY what you're going through. For the past 6 years I had Lyme Disease that was making me unable to work and trouble with walking (started back when I was 19). Had to see 20 doctors before someone actually figured out what was wrong with me and got the correct tests done.. all the others told me I was just fine (even though I couldn't even walk very far without fainting or falling over and couldn't drive or leave the house on my own very much at that time).. Idiots! Apparently it is the #1 most mis-diagnosed ailment in the US.

Do you know what's making you ill? Allergy? Environmental? Immune? Parasite? Anemia? I'm quite knowledgeable about health/treating ailments, but hard to tell without all your symptoms. Did you try seeing a Naturopath? Often times they're better at sleuthing out the real underlying cause.. then a doctor can be helpful in getting the right prescription or medical assistance.

*BIG HUG* I've been there! Don't let them get you down. People who don't understand how heart-wrenching it is for someone to lose their health in the blink of an eye just infuriate me. They have no heart. I was told because I was only 19-25 that I couldn't be _that_ sick because I was too young by emergency room doctors. Yeah, right!!
If I hadn't have found a wonderful doctor who finally did find out what was wrong, I would have become permanently disabled because of the ignorance of those other doctors who wouldn't treat me or put effort into finding out what was wrong. But they were happy to charge me an arm and a leg for their thoughts, lol.


re: JadeIcing
I noticed you said you get just horrid migraines.. have you ever been tested for heavy metal & mercury toxicity by chance? They have been known to cause very severe migraines. Every had amalgam/silver tooth fillings? Usually the biggest source for mercury getting in.
Thanks guys. I knew I could vent here and people would understand! It helps even typing it all out lol... :hug:

Raspberry, I sort of know what's wrong with me.... basically, I have a balance disorder. I think it's Labyrinthitis, or something similar, at least that's what it's called, although I have no firm diagnosis. I've been on something like 10-15 different medications for it, all of which just make me worse or knock me out:shock: I've had 2 MRI scans, which luckily have come back clear, so rules out any tumours etc or anything more serious, but they also wouldn't show something like Labyrinthitis, so they can't rule out it being that. I've undergone complex balance function tests, which show I have a problem with my balance, but not the cause of it, lol. I've seen about 5 different specialists but nobody can come up with any magic cure as of yet! :banghead

The symptoms I have are dizziness- a feeling of being on a boat or something constantly, 'spinning'- kind of like when the room spins if you've had too much to drink? This leads me to fall over on a semi-regular basis, and not be able to get back up again without help... I get nausea and vomiting from the constant feeling of movement, therefore I'm motion intolerant and car journeys over half an hour, where I do not stare straight at the road ahead the whole time make me a lot worse... I get blurry vision and headaches a lot, which reading glasses have helped with, but I still have to really squint to focus properly a lot of the time... And sleep. It's hard to sleep with the room spinning around you, so in the night I average around 2-3 hours max. Then I sleep in the early morning, but wake up so groggy that it's a real struggle to get up.

The best way I can describe it, is to imagine being the drunkest you could ever ever be, like, room spinning and falling over, not able to walk in a straight line etc, and having the worst hangover you could ever ever have, but with a 'clear head'- i.e perfectly aware of everything that's going on, memory, clear speech etc, but your body just wont co-ordinate with you. If that makes any sense! :?

When I went off sick last year with it, I was literally in bed all day, every day, and could only get up in the evenings because I made myself do it. Now, I can manage to get up by midday most days, but it's a struggle, and I don't do much during the day, except take care of the buns, lol. If I do go out, say to see friends, shopping etc, on a 'good day', it tires me out a LOT. So the next day is guaranteed to be a 'bad day'... :(

I had a bout of it last year for 3 months then managed to recover, and was having accupuncture at the time. Unfortunately I had to stop that as I could no longer afforf it. I'm hoping that when I get my redundancy package in September/October, I can put some of that towards more accupuncture sessions, and maybe even go and see a homeopath, as nothing else has worked so far, and I have nothing left to lose lol!

Phew! That was a lot! I am the queen of long posts! Sorry guys! :p sounds like you have 'vertigo" which can be caused by viruses etc.

My husband had an attack of it on Christmas eve several years ago . He was on the phone and all at once he just fell on the floor and the phone went flying....I thought that he was having a heart attack and called 911. By the time I let them in he had dragged himself into the bathroom and was vomiting. All he could say was that everything was spinning. ..could barely talk and was in the hospital over christmas .it slowly went away but sometimes it returned if for ex. he looked at the brightness of the computer screen etc.
They said it was caused by a virus but my mom knows someone who gets it periodically

very real illness..
I have chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia but i almost never talk aboutit as I can function at a certain fairly good level but i cannot work because of it. I think sometimes that people think that we are rich because i volunteer at the shelter instead of working. but it's because I cannot maintain a constant pace but must pace myself which is impossible when you work.
i think that it's good we're all talking about this.;)

angieluv wrote: sounds like you have 'vertigo" which can be caused by viruses etc.

My husband had an attack of it on Christmas eve several years ago . He was on the phone and all at once he just fell on the floor and the phone went flying....I thought that he was having a heart attack and called 911. By the time I let them in he had dragged himself into the bathroom and was vomiting. All he could say was that everything was spinning. ..could barely talk and was in the hospital over christmas .it slowly went away but sometimes it returned if for ex. he looked at the brightness of the computer screen etc.
They said it was caused by a virus but my mom knows someone who gets it periodically

very real illness..
I have chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia but i almost never talk aboutit as I can function at a certain fairly good level but i cannot work because of it. I think sometimes that people think that we are rich because i volunteer at the shelter instead of working. but it's because I cannot maintain a constant pace but must pace myself which is impossible when you work.
i think that it's good we're all talking about this.;)
Yeah, vertigo is the thing, I just couldn't think of the word earlier, dizzy brain fuzz was in action, sorry! I think that it was caused by a series of colds/viruses I had towards the end of 2006, which I just couldn't shake off for months, as I got a promotion and couldn't take any time off work etc. Then, just after Christmas 2006, I got another cold/ear infection, and that was the beginning of the dizziness. There have been many times where I have fallen, and times where I have had to drag myself into the bathroom to be sick, etc. Quite often, Steve has had to practically carry me up the stairs to bed, and help me into bed even.... :?

I know what you mean about the volunteering- it's a good thing, because you can control how much you do, and how often, etc. Whereas even a part-time job wouldn't be possible for me as I just can't predict what will be a good day, and whether I will be able to leave the house or not, etc. I was hoping to go to a friend's house tonight for example, but I had to accept this evening that I'm just in no fit state today to be going out! :(

The most frustrating thing about these kinds of illnesses- balance disorders, chronic fatigue sydrome etc, is that nobody can physically see anything wrong with you, so they assume that it must be true. If we were in wheelchairs, or had crutches etc, people wouldn't doubt it! But just because it's not visible, people don't believe it. If I speak to my boss on the phone and sound 'awake', she assumes I must be feeling ok! If anyone happens to see me and I have a little bit of make-up on, and my hair is tidy, they assume I must be making it all up, because 'I don't look ill'

I think it's great we're all talking about it too, it's so nice to be able to talk about stuff like this here. It's things like these where RO and its members really come into their own- I always feel able to talk about anything that's bothering me and get support here....

I think that it's good to talk about these things too in a safe setting. I don't talk to anyone about it except my husband and parents.

At the shelter they know vague stuff like I used to be a nurse and I got sick blah blah blah but nothing specific.

I am fearful of people not believing me because i used to work in psychiatry and people like me never believed these vague disorders were real ...until you get them yourself. LOL

and you're right can never predict one day from the next what condition you will be in...
I hope you can find some help with you vertigo...I have heard that it can diminish in time but you've had it a long time. ...

I believe that it's the same thing rabbits with ear infections and head-tilt feel when we say they are 'spinning"
must be a terrible terrible feeling.....

angieluv wrote:
I believe that it's the same thing rabbits with ear infections and head-tilt feel when we say they are 'spinning"
must be a terrible terrible feeling.....
Yes, I remember when I first read about head-tilt a long time ago, and the first thing I thought was 'oh, how awful, for a small innocent bunny have to go through the horrible sensations that I have to' :( Not fun at all! And something I hope I never have to see...

I'm the same as you, I don't like to tell people about it unless I really have to. Out of my group of friends, everybody asks me how I'm doing, but I know that there's only a few of them who really understand. The rest of them are like 'oh, isn't that over by now?' and try to make various 'jokes' about it etc.... One of my 'friends' even joked last week, as I stood, holding onto a barstool to hold myself up, having made it out to the pub for an hour 'oh, can't they just cut your ears off or something to fix it? So, when are you going to get a new job?'..... :grumpy: If I hadn't been trying to hold myself up, I might have had to slap her! :shock: So, you can see why I try to avoid telling people about it lol! :?
throughout having Lyme, I also was previously diagnosed with balance problems, fibromyalgea, MS, chronic fatigue-syndrome, epstein-barr, and was testing head to toe. I beat what was diagnosed as chronic fatigue through a year of daily saunas/detoxing/exercise. Later on, it re-imerged more severely with additional symptoms of bad vertigo, balance/walking problems, nausea, headaches, insomnia, and joint pain like arthritis, blurry vision, and good day/bad day fluxuating... a year after this heart palpitations/racing showed up, muscle weakness that came out of nowhere. I discovered the "beating chronic fatigue" was only a temporary remission from lyme disease that none of the docs were able to detect properly until i saw a Lyme-literate doctor.

I'm not saying you have Lyme :) But, after being diagnosed with all those ailments, i only treated Lyme & detoxing mercury/metals specifically and now they're all gone if not going away. So it might be worth reading up on in case it matches with you since 85% of doctors do not know how to test properly for it unless they're lyme literate or live in a lyme-endemic area and it is prevelent in England as well as US. Stephen Buhner's book Healing Lyme is a great resource and it helped shine the light for me on the path to getting tested for Lyme disease and turned out I had it (I've never even been bitten by a tick either!).

This forum really is so great :D

It couldn't hurt to get tested for heavy metals, too. The tests are inexpensive and usually you start with harmless supplements like Alpha Lipoic Acid 200-300mg 4-5 times a day (working up from 1 a day) among others. Usually Nautorpaths are the best resource for detoxing heavy metals and being tested for them.


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