My eleven year rabbit has an abscess and I don't know what to do.

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New Member
Oct 29, 2012
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Santa Rosa, California, USA
Hello. I just discovered an abscess under my bunny's right eye. Apparently it was caused by a broken tooth. My vet who is very knowledgable has presented several options but I have no idea what to do. Even though up until now he's enjoyed good health,I feel at his advanced age that surgery or perhaps the anesthesia might be to much for him. If he were to survive the surgery,I wonder if the recovery would also be more than he could handle. If I opt to treat him only with antibiotics,there is a very slim chance he will recover. Even though he is still eating,he has lost nearly one pound in the last month. I feel that he has more life in him but not an over abundance. It is clear that he is getting very tired. I want to do the best thing for him and I certainly don't want him to suffer in any way. If anyone has any information or would care to share their opinion as to what they would do,I would be most appreciative. I am currently awaiting the results of the biopsy that was done four days ago. My vet will be contacting me tomorrow and I will have to make a decision. Thank you.
I'm so sorry you have to go through this! :(
I'm not quite sure what you should do. Just the fact that you are taking the rabbit's happiness into consideration is a wonderful thing. Wait and see what the vet says. They'll know most about what's best for your little guy.
I pray your rabbit makes a full recovery!
I have not found age much of a factor in a rabbit's ability to tolerate anesthesia, though poor health is. If your rabbit is in relatively good health and there are not associated abcesses/infections in the lungs I might consider it.. it might not be that big a surgery... and it your rabbit is under and the veterinarian discovers it is a bigger problem then he/she expected, sometimes that is a good time to let them go as they are not suffering- just blissfully asleep.

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