My dream last night was interesting...

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Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2006
Reaction score
, Wisconsin, USA
I feel like I'm copying Minda! :p

Anyway, last night I had this dream. I went outside and my dad had Marley out there to run around and play. I get out there and he's got another rabbit he never told me about! Then there's another! So he had two rabbits outside I never knew about. Then he says we got more rabbits. I go over and in another cage there's a few more! Then I find out outside of the cage, a baby lion head.

I had like, 6 or 7 more rabbits outside I never knew about!

So now I had indoor rabbits and outdoor rabbits.

Then I was like "omg are they getting the right food?" "How am I going to afford all these veggies?! and food?! And litter!?" "Omg the cleaning!" It was overwhelming!

So here's a question... Anyone who has more then 8 rabbits... how do you do it?!
Boz wrote:
So here's a question... Anyone who has more then 8 rabbits... how do you do it?!
I always wonder the same thing :p. Personally, I think 4 is a good number for me. I only have 3 right now and can't have another (no more space in the animal room :().

I guess it just depends on the person, if they have another person to help with the care involved, and the budget to care for so many. Bunnies are actually my "cheapest" pet.

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