my daughter got a job

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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2007
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southeast texas., Texas, USA
My daughter finally got a job... she is saving up for a car... she wanted my husband to give her my car that i just got..of all the hubby told her to save up her money and we will match what she saves... hopefully she will keep this job... i won't be like all her friends parents and go buy her a new mustang... I wanted a mustang and my husband wouldn't let me have one so I will not buy her one....I want her to earn her car so she will repect it...I also want her to learn that if you want something you have to work for it...
Good for her (and you!)..

I remember when I turned 16 I asked my parentsif they were going to buy me a car - and they LAUGHED!!! Seriously, they were both in hysterics?! I then asked if they would at least pickup the insurance - which just made them laugh even harder...

I walked out of the room and called my BF at the time who went and picked me up an old pinto which was orange and had 1 door painted green.. BUT it was car and all mine (truth be told, I only drove that car when I absolutely had to)!

My parents never bought any of us kids cars or auto insurance; they did pay for college and helped each kid withtheir first downpayment on a house (I missed that last boat but oh well).. I think for some things kids really do need to learn to work for somethings..
Well, I don't think that Art & I are bad parents because we gave our son his first car....technically - it is still ours and he is using it for now. In addition, he's on our insurance.

But he's finishing up college and has been a great son. He didn't have to work for his car - but he is working to pay his rent and his living expenses and for most of his education. Seemed to us like letting him use our vehicle and pcking up the insurance just was one way we could help him out - especially since he is such a great kid.

I can see why some folks make their kids buy their own car, etc. - I can also see why some folks don't. I figure "to each their own".

Congrats on your daughter getting a job - I remember how good that felt when each of my kids got their first job.

TinysMom wrote:
Well, I don't think that Art & I are bad parents because we gave our son his first car....technically - it is still ours and he is using it for now.  In addition, he's on our insurance.

But he's finishing up college and has been a great son.  He didn't have to work for his car - but he is working to pay his rent and his living expenses and for most of his education.  Seemed to us like letting him use our vehicle and pcking up the insurance just was one way we could help him out - especially since he is such a great kid.

I can see why some folks make their kids buy their own car, etc. - I can also see why some folks don't.  I figure "to each their own".

Congrats on your daughter getting a job - I remember how good that felt when each of my kids got their first job.

^Thats not bad parenting.

I think its bad parenting when people have spoiled brats, paying they're allowance £30 a week - £120 a month and then go buy them a car, insurance, tax etc and the kid never learns responsibility nor appreciation. I know that person lol.
Good for her getting a job and earning the money
I don't think its bad paenting to buy your kid a car... My daughter expects us to buy her a car like all of her friends ... my cousins daughter and my daughter have been best friends since they were two... my cousin buys his daughter what ever she wants... she got a mustang last year and now they are looking to buy her another car.... And she does not even have her liscense yet... she failed drivers ed because she missed to many days....She will be turning 18 next month...She also has another friend whose parents bought her a mustang... they expect therir parents to do what ever they say... we will help her buy a car but she will have to earn 1/2 ... we just bought her her own little cabin for her Birthday so she can have her own place so her sisters will leave her alone...She deserves a car ... she is an honor roll student ... I just want her to learn that she can't have everything handed to her..