My Buns.

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Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2007
Reaction score
Thurston County, Washington, USA
Well here are my two little girls. These are the lastest pictures of them... Hope you enjoy. These two are always getting into trouble and what not.

Rayne in her nest box, with Buttercup behind her. (Below)


Buttercup in her cage. (Below)


Rayne... (Below)


Buttercup, getting a little too close!


Those are the pictures I've got. I'll take some more and update you guys. :)

I hope you enjoy the pictures! :D
Very cute, Buttercup has the most prettiest fawn (or fawn coloring in the least) I have ever seen!
Beautiful bunnies!

I edited the thread so that we could see the pics instead of the links. All you have to do is copy and paste the IMG line here.

Only after I posted them I realized they were so big! Can you go in to your photobucketand on each picture click "resize" and make it a size smaller? Then I'll fix it one here

:)I cant wait to seemore pics of yourgorgeous bunnies!
Aww! They are adorable! I love brokens and just LOOOOVE fawns! What perfect little girls!

Would love to hear some stories about these trouble makers hehe! What sweet names too :).

Thanks. Spring. :D

Well I have one story...

One day I decided to give them a box to play with. It was a nice card-board box perfect from them to go inside and play with. So the next day I look inside their cage and the box it completely ripped to pieces! No more box! And right as I look in the cage both of them look up at me with cute little eyes. They knew they were busted! It looked like they had jsut finished tearing it up.
Sorry again about not posting pics or anything but I've not some. I only have one of Rayne because she was being a stubborn girl today and didn't want to come out of her cage. :p
Here is the only picture of Rayne that I got today..
Miss. Butter on my lap.
Buttercup looking a little po'ed because she jumped off my lap.
She is about ready to jump off..

Well I hope you all love the pics!
Awww! So cute! Butter is def. getting much darker and bigger! They both are! I can't wait to see them tomorrow (or Friday; i will go ask my mom :))

Rayne is soo cute! She does look like an orca in that picture! If only she was all black, with the actuall white markings! that would be so cool.

Can't wait for more pictures! *I'll bring my cam. over tomorrow and we can video Winston Jumping!*

Very cute!

I just wanted to mention that if you post thebottom link, you want the IMG Code here, and it will show as a pic when you come back to it. Does that make sense:). (I know, confusing;).)
Well, today I started to train Buttercup in rabbit hopping! BlueSky was over and we trained her and set up a little course for her and all. She did very well. :D I'm going to be training her until Spring-Youth Fair. And that's around May. So hopefully she will trained well enough to compete in the Rabbit Hopping class at Spring Youth Fair here! So that's my story of the day today! :biggrin2:
OMG!! that very very first one of Rayne is amazing!! I love it. I can't believ how dark Butter is getting. She is so gorgeous. And Rayne is huge!! They sure are cute!!
OMG!! that very very first one of Rayne is amazing!! I love it. I can't believ how dark Butter is getting. She is so gorgeous. And Rayne is huge!! They sure are cute!!

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