my bunny started spraying pee now :-(

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Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2006
Reaction score
Southern, Illinois, USA
good eveningeveryone,

maomaochiu, my beloved 4-month old bunny started spraying pee now :( I had him since he was 4 weeks old, and started litter train him when he was 2 months old, and he did not seem to need much training and went to his litter pan for most of the times for the last two months.

so he was behaving really really good, and all of a sudden, starting from about a week ago, he started spraying pee. usually happens when i first let him out of the cage. he would circle my feet and legs, and then, pee and poop, though his litter pan is just 2 feet away. he seems to be so excited and happy to be let out of the cage and see me. He sprays pee mostly on my legs.

about two to three weeks ago, he started to be obsessive about my legs, trying hard to hump them, but i never let him, and now he is spraying pee......

i've been hesitant to get him neutered, but this spraying pee thing is no good. could anyone here let me know if this is just a problem for a short time, say after he goes through his teenage years in a month or two, he will stop it? or is this going to be a prolonged problem??? besides having him neutered, is there any other way to solve it?

thank you so very much!

Your boy is marking you as his. It means he loves you...that is why he is marking around your feet(leaving pee and poops) it is a form of marking!;) My one boy liked to spray my hair all the time! The only way he stopped was when I got him neutered. But he was around a year old and still spraying. I don't know how long it would go on for without neutering...maybe one of the other members with un-neutered rabbits could jump in!
He's becoming a man :)

He will spray for the rest of his life, neutering *may* help but he's marking his territory so he may never stop. Usually after neutering if you whipe down the walls they will stop because the scent will still be there but you won't be able to smell it - so everyone is happy.

That's too bad to hear though - I know how annoyingly distructive spraying can be.

I think the best solution is to have him neutered. I think if he's doing this now, its unlikely that it will stop. My Basil started spraying me when he was about 2 yrs old. I had him neutered after this went on for about 6 months. He hasnt done that since. I have three boys, all neutered, and no problems.

Good Luck and have your umbrella handy :)

Thanks for all of your replies.

I've asked a local vet about neutering my bunny. They said that he cannot have water and food from 10pm till the next morning, and that just sounds a little too uncomfortable to me. i've read that rabbits cannot vomit anyway, so why should they refrain him from eating and drinking the night before?

also, anyone knows if there is a good way or bad way of doing the procedure or they are all the same??

thanks again!
That is not a rabbit savvy vet then, rabbits should not have food or water removed before a neuter.

But I agree that a neuter is best, so keep looking for a rabbit savvy vet. There are a few posts here with questions to ask to ensure your bunny is in good hands. Also check out the Vet list on this forum, you may find another recommended one.

Check out that link for loads of info on the procedure, what questions to ask the vet, etc. It was really helpful for me when I had my rabbits neutered!

My vet had also told me to withhold food the night before. I had to correct them and tell them that rabbits dont vomit. This kind of upset me that they didnt know this simple fact, but they were highly recommended. All three surgeries went great. I would never dream of having an unaltered male. They are just so well-behaved now.

I hope this helps.


PS. I forgot to say how cute your bunny is in that picture! What a doll!
thank you very much! i will definitely bring the 'no food or water' issue up to them! and by the way, maomaochiu said he is flattered :bunnydance:

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