Important info: I’ve only had this bunny for 5 days. My bunny is male and not neutered; I do not know the age (he’s pretty young) or breed of this bunny. I also have an ant problem and ants are in his litter
My bunny has been sneezing a lot these past three days. They are not sneezing fits, they’re individual sneezes on different times. They are about 5 minutes or 1 hour apart, but they are getting more frequent and they are now starting to come in twos. I can’t tell if he had stuff coming out of his nose since he grooms his face, I’m worried that he may have snuffles but I’m honestly not too sure if it’s a dust problem or if his allergic to something. I vacuumed today and I wiped dust from over and under my furniture but the sneezing hasn’t gone away. He also tilts his head in order to scratch it; is this a head tilt and should I be worried? Does he have snuffles? I need help!!!
My bunny has been sneezing a lot these past three days. They are not sneezing fits, they’re individual sneezes on different times. They are about 5 minutes or 1 hour apart, but they are getting more frequent and they are now starting to come in twos. I can’t tell if he had stuff coming out of his nose since he grooms his face, I’m worried that he may have snuffles but I’m honestly not too sure if it’s a dust problem or if his allergic to something. I vacuumed today and I wiped dust from over and under my furniture but the sneezing hasn’t gone away. He also tilts his head in order to scratch it; is this a head tilt and should I be worried? Does he have snuffles? I need help!!!