My bunny isn't feeling well : ( (Resolved)

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Mar 6, 2010
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Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada
He started this about 3-4 days ago. I noticed his dish wasn't being emptied. And there was no, real need to clean his cage. So, I started to panic and called the Vet who I know is experienced with bunny's. At that time I was just getting in from work and brought home with me so carrot greens from the super market. Bun Bun nibbled on them a bit well I was on the phone with the Vet. So, the Vet suggested I get some Acute Care, witch I did, and my poor Bun Bun seem's to hate it. I have to force it on him :( Anyways, this has been 2 days now on the Acute Care and not much change. And, Bun Bun doesn't seem to be taking much water, and no pellets. Seems all I can do is wet down carrot greens. Dose anyone know what I should do at this point? We got him at the pet store last Aug. and we love him very much. We hate to see him not being him self.
The Vet didn't find out what was wrong? Losing his appetite and having no poops are usually symptoms of something else.

Is he just over a year old then? What breed is he?

What was he acting like before he stopped eating? Was he appearing to be hungry but then didn't eat? Any wetness on his muzzle or weird mouth movements, anything like that?

Could he have been eating carpet or anything else that might have caused a problem? Any chance of an injury?

Has he been having any trouble peeing or abnormal output?

Any other symptoms? Did the Vet take an x-ray?

Do you mean Critical Care? Not familiar with Acute Care.

His best bet is fluids and fiber. Does he like canned pumpkin? You can mix it with the slurry mix. (Also, make sure the mix is left soaking for a good 15 to 30 minutes before giving to him.

How much food and water are you getting into him?

sas :clover:
He's a Dutch, and it seems like he was fine and then he just stopped eating. He is hiding a little more the usual these days, maybe it's because the thinks I'm gonna force that Acute Care on him and thats an oral paste the Vet suggested.
He hasn't hasn't been looked at by the Vet I just called with concern and that was his recommendation, along with massaging Bun Bun's belly. But, there seems to be no improvement.
And, there doesn't appear to be any wetness on his muzzle or weird mouth movements or,anything like that? And I don't have much carpet in my apartment. There is very little pee in his cage and he doesn't appear to be drinking too much water.
I've never tried can pumpkin, something I could do. Another web sit suggested pineapple but, I've had no luck. But, what is Slurry mix???
Right now all he will eat is watter down carrot greens. And he has a full water bottle but hasn't touched it.
Ah, I think Acute Care is a Canadian thing... Its mostly a pro-biotic with some vitamins. I don't think its as high fiber as you need. It also isn't giving him any liquid.

You're probably better off picking up 'Critical Care' (made by Oxbow) which is actual high fiber food with probiotics and vitamins. And you mix it with water.

You will have to feed it to him in a syringe. You can also mix it with pumpkin if he likes the taste.

But the bottom line is really to find out what's causing it. He may have a urinary tract infection or a dental issue or even a blockage. The Vet may have to give him fluids through an infusion under the skin.

How many carrot tops is he eating?

The fact that he's not urinating is troublesome. I'd honestly take him in ASAP.

I'm not sure how much your Vet knows about rabbits, but he can get fluids and get his urine tested and maybe an x-ray.

sas :pray:


For the benefit of those reading, this is the Acute Care rundown:

Acute Care Oral Paste

This treatment applies to the following species:

Beef Cattle
Dairy Cattle

Manufacturer: Centaur

● Mannanoligosaccharides

● Probiotics

● Digestive enzymes

Promotes a healthy G.I. tract environment


yeast extract (providing mannanoligosaccharides), dehydrated primary yeast, mucilage, dried apple pectin pulp, yeast fermentation solubles, direct-fed microbials, B-vitamins

Guaranteed Analysis Per 10 Cc/ml


Vitamin B-2 (riboflavin)

1 mg

Pantothenic Acid

10.5 mg

Vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine)

2.5 mg

Aspergillus oryzae

1.3 x 105 CFU

Bacillus subtillus

3.8 x 105 CFU

Saccharomyces cervisiae

3.4 x 106 CFU

Mixed Lactic acid bacteria

1.3 x 107 CFU


Administer up to three times per day.
< 5 kg - 1 to 3 cc/mL; 5 to 10 kg - 5 cc/mL; 10 to 15 kg - 10 cc/mL; 15 to 25 kg - 15 cc/mL; 25 to 40 kg - 20 cc; 40 to 100 kg - 40 cc; > 100 kg - 80 cc
Not REALLY eating, drinking and more importantly is OUTPUT take him to the vet ASAP! If a buns gut is not working you have a problem.

Will keep you both in my thoughts and please post back what is happening as others will post their knowledge. Were all here ready to help you - just keep us up to date.

Best of luck to you.
I would force feed him water or pedialyte (infant rehydration drink) in addition to the wet carrot greens. It may take some time but the water should help get his GI going again. I don't like to force-feed a bunny anything if it's eating something on its own, but force-feeding liquid is a different thing. I would try to get at least 20 mL of liquid into him tonight.
I agree with Claire ..fluids is way more important than food especially the baby electrolyte drink. You want to get him hydrated
you may also want to try to give him a dose of simethicone (infant gas dops) to see if he may have a gas problem which can be affecting his appetite.

You can also get a fresh pineapple and squeeze out some juice..the pineapple juice must be fresh ; give a him a few ccs of juice several times per day.

Also give him gentle tummy rubs and/ or encourage him to move around to get the GI system moving.
If he's really not eating anything, and not pooping at all, I would take him to the vet. Is he huddled up in a little ball? My rabbit (also a Dutch) was doing this and 2 days later he passed away. Now I believe it was GI stasis, but I didn't know about it at the time. Let us know how he is!
The rule we usually quote is that if he hasn't eaten for 24 hours, or hasn't pooped for 24 hours, it's time to go to the vet. It sounds like he's in a lot of pain. Is he lethargic at all? Are his eyes bright or dull? These would be signs that he's in a lot of pain.

I think he should be seen by a vet really soon, but it may not be an emergency. It's best to start a new thread on this too.

There has been a lot of good advice here already, but I would also make sure to use simethicone (baby gas medicine) and some ibuprofen (only if you can get him to eat something) if you can. Also, canned pumpkin is great for this kind of thing, but it's not available in the UK where the original poster is located.
Everything seems to be ok now. As of Sunday he started drinking, eating, & pooping. Thank god. He really had me scared.I think the Acute Cure, just took a few days to work. But, I'm very happy to say the least, that Bun Bun, is doing fine. Should be 100% in no time.

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