My bunny is bored!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
Reaction score
New Jersey, , USA
Hey, are there any good sites that pertain to rabbits? I really want to order toys for Pup but I need some recommendations. Thanks!
you can also make a lot of home made stuff too. Putting hay, treats and veggies in a brown sac and tying it. or even in a egg carton made out of cardboard. My buns love those. I've been having a problem with mine chewing on the inside of their hutch so i usually keep a edible log (made of hay and honey) in there at all times.
cardboard boxes, tunnels and old phone books are all good. plastic slinkies are a hit with most rabbits. anything they can toss around is good, like baby keys.

as a note, those edible logs aren't very healthy and they're a no-no with any bunny that has had GI stasis issues in the past... but I, too, keep one around because if they don't have their precious log, they chew through the coroplast in their condo and I figure eating a junk food log is better than eating plastic. sometimes you've just gotta go with the lesser evil if it stops them from eating their own home, lol.
That's exactly where I am at with the lesser evil. Neither of mine have had any problems with GI stasis (fingers crossed). My girl (Peanut) chews feverishly at the inside of her hutch. Even when she has all the opportunity to be OUT OF IT and to play with toys and chews. At least it's an alternative to them damaging their teeth by chewing on harsher things or my chewing away at my wallet by eating their hutch!
Peanut is the same way too! She likes to chew on whatever she can get her little teeth on. She doesn't eat the paper, she just likes to shred it and get to the good stuff inside. That's also why people give them phonebooks.. not to eat, but to shed and dig at. Yeah, they might ingest some, but just watch them for a bit to make sure they're not making a meal out of it.
or getting killed by a predator after chewing her way out of the hutch... all kinds of bad things can come from her eating her own home.

in your situation, the log is definitely the way to go... I just figured it was worth mentioning that there are downsides to them for anyone else thinking of getting one :)

mine have a 3-story NIC condo that's taller than I am and 24/7 access to a 120+ square foot run filled with boxes and tunnels and cat cubes and toys and all variety of willow sticks and balls and tunnels (which used to be their favorite thing to chew on)... yet they still think they have nothing better to do than eat coroplast if their stupid snack log isn't available.
yeah, they do more chewing/digging/shredding than actually ingesting the stuff. here's some of my girls' recent projects:

their cardboard box, which they made a back door in (and shredded the bottom of):


one of many places where they chewed up the coroplast (despite a coating of Ivory soap) and the half-decimated snack log I gave them to make them stop:


what used to be a phone book:

very much true! I think they think the log is a toy too. I will often find it on lower levels.. they like to nudge and throw it. I think part of her chewing problem right now is that she is in a smaller space than she really likes. In the warmer weather she likes to spend a lot of time outside (outdoors outside) and now she is cooped up inside with no grass and growing veggies to chew on. I made a rabbit garden that I fenced in for them. They love it, but now they've been spoiled!
Beauty does not play with toys even willow balls. Shiny Things will play with toys though. She LOVES willow/wicker and will demolish a ball in under an hour. She also has this tweety bird toy that she LOVES. It was her fist toy and she still plays with it. She also has a wiffle ball that she nudges and makes roll over her head. I have not given them any phone books yet (I am scared of the mess). I also do not get newspapers so can not give them any of that to play with/ make toys with. As for the boxes, amazon never sends me any that are a good size .
you can actually buy a decent-sized box (don't remember exactly, but 12''+ on every measurement, big enough for a rabbit to get in) at walmart for a buck or two.

oh, sorry, forgot to mention it's with the mailing supplies (packing tape, bubble wrap, etc.) which is usually adjacent to the office supplies. just ask for mailing supplies and I'm sure someone can direct you there :)

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