My bunny hunt cont.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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Northern, California, USA
Ok, so I have continued my bunny hunt. I drovedown to the SPCA after work. Bad idea btw, terrible traffic.... anywayso I was looking at the bunnies and there were a few. I found this onewho was sweet...Let me pick him up with out a fight and then flip himover on his back. he just sat there not even struggling....he wasreally nice..but his hormones were raging, kept trying to hump me. If Iadopt him and get gets neuterd will he settle down?

I think I liked him because he was sweet and an easy going bunny. Butalso he was very different from sprinkles. All black, shortish ears,easy to pick up and fairly small about 6lbs size I suppose.I th inkgetting a bun so different from sprinkles will make it easier.Theother bun at the pet shop looked alot like her but blackspots instead of brown.

I'm so indescive I couldnt decide and it took longer to drivedown because of traffic so I didnt have alot of if I dodecide to get him it wouldnt be till saturday... How rare is it for abun to allow a stranger to pick it up and flip it over and not evenmake a fuss??

Sounds to me as though this bunny has found you if you know what I mean.

Bindy is completely different to our first bunny Chloe,

Losing a bunny is never ever easy but I think it's great you are looking for another bunny,
I think that you just know when it's right and by the sounds of things you and this bunny have a "thing"

I guess spaying or neuter whatever you wish to call it will settledown the behavour and I wish you luck in your choice but I'd say gowith this bunny, just from how you said you could flip him over andthere was no drama makes me think he likes you, call me nuts but Ithink animals choose their owners not the other way round if you knowwhat I mean
Its just so hard to decide. Lots of bunnies seemright.:pI live in a small apartment so a more energetic bunmay not be as happy as a more lazy one.. I think I am afraid of gettinga bun that dosent suite my life style and dosent get along with myexisting animals...And im as indescisive as they come.

I know I will love any bun I take in, but I also love all the bun's Isee! And I can only get one so it makes it even harder. :?
The neuter would definitely calm down thehumping. Who knows how his personality will change in a new environmentthough. I think if you go down there on Saturday and it feels right,it'll be right. And if it doesn't, keep looking. But once you getanother bunny, even if it doesn't feel quite right at first, you knowyou'll fall in love and everything that happens will be the "rightthing". So, even though it's a hard decision, I'm sure you'd be happywith any bunny you got to know over time.
As EEEM said, neutering the little mon should cut down on the humping activity.

When I was trying to decide if I should adopt Cali and Fauna,eventually I realized I was driving myself crazy with the what ifs andjust did it. I never have regretted it. I'm surewhatever bunny you get will be the perfect one for you, even if thereis an adjustment period that will take place at first.Completely agree with Ariel that they pick us.

Let us know what you decide. I think it's wise to get arabbit that's very different from Sprinkles. You seem to beon the right track in all your thinking and planning,honeybunnie8. :)

I think the main problem is that there are sooooomany bunnies that need homes I feel bad choosing one over the other.there was also a baby bun who was an easter present and they returnedit because "it got big" the lil boy was like 2 months old and maybe3lbs...stupid people...he let me flip him also but then got skittishafter a huge dog came by...I thought about him also, but he had longerfur and im not sure im up to all the brushing a long haired bunny wouldtake.

The women at the aspca seemed happy that I asked where the bunnies werewhen I went in.I guess they dont get adopted that often. :( There arealso a few other places with adoptible rabbits I think I will look at.I wish I could get a few, that would make it easier to decide. Alsohaving a trial run might help. I worry about my chinchillas at home andany new rabbit I bring in..I have already had one animal accident thatresulted in a loss of one of my chins. I dont want to put them in anydanger.
Aw, go back and get the little blackbunny. I rescued a bunny last Monday. He wascircling and grunting like crazy. I had himneuteredeight days agoand the bad bahavior hasstopped completely.
