Or you could make sure you are the Alpha and treat her like an alpha would. When you reach in, if she tries to attack pin her to the floor and speak in a deep fast cadence so it resembles grunting. All of ours are rescues, and some were on "death row" for attacking and biting--not nipping--biting with bleeding as they learned that got them left alone. Getting bit all the time is no fun and You do get tired of sporting bandaids too. It usually takes only a short while and they become model citizens--Cosmo comes when called now and puts on a heck of a show when I go into the rabbit room. Just make sure you get a good grip without hurting them--so they know they can't escape and do the same when holding them--make it firm so they don't try to thrash around. Remember, if you don't train them right, they will train you. Any questions, P M me. With the shy bunny it's entirely different and you need time and patience to win their trust--Bambi would go to the farthest side of the room when she first came to us, but after treats, time, and patience she'd come when called and would follow me all over more like a canine than a bunny. Each is an individual and a rabbit will behave different than a dog or cat so you need to know how they interact socially or you'll have problems. And as to the nails, buy a trimmer and have the vet tech show you how to do a trim--we had 17 and our son had 5 so it was more than we could afford.