My bunny has not popped!

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New Member
Feb 7, 2013
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hi there,

Ive been kind of worried for my bun bun .. she has not popped for 2 days but is eating and drinking water. I notice today that she was not that happy rabbit she was. She does go pee but i seen some clear white guwy stuff not sure if thats normal i need help i dont want nothing to happen to my bunny :( !!!
Can you get her to a rabbit vet right away. The white stuff that you are seeing isn't normal. You really need to get her to a vet ASAP.
Get baby gas-x drops, and also give fresh veggies (rinsed and wet) to get extra moisture in. Go to the House Rabbit Soicety website and read the article about GI stasis. These things may help (hopefully at least a little) for the time being but get to a vet ASAP.
Definitely see a vet cause that is not good at all. Rabbits should be pooping frequently throughout the day, could be G.I. stasis, it's a big rabbit killer.
I agree with everyone. A bunny that hasn't pooed in 2 days can be in serious trouble. Especially if you are now seeing changes in mood. Bunnies are excellent at hiding illness. Vet ASAP.

Additional helpful link:

Sometimes with stasis/ileus (when the bunny stops eating) it can be treated at home, but you have to catch it more quickly. If it has only been 12 hours without pooping, you might be able to treat at home. However at this point it is an emergency.

The white gooey stuff is probably mucus from the GI tract, something they produce when in big distress.

You will need to take him to an emergency vet immediately.

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