My bunnies feet are allways yellow.

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Apr 13, 2005
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My bunnies feet are allways yellow what can I do?I give them a bath and then to seconds later there back to yellow. Itsreally gross!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BunBun Mom wrote:
Blossom's feet also looked like that.
This info is from Buck on a thread about cleaning white bunnies........

"...use white vinegar andwater solution 50/50 in a spray bottle. Dampen the area to becleaned, then rub cornstarch into it until it isthe consistency of toothpaste. Let it dry, then brush itout. You may have to repeat for stubbornstains."

Rainbows! :)

Oh no. That's not good, really. What kindof cage do you have?. Actually wkat kind of bottom do you have. Thegreatest problem with pee on the feet is over time they can actuallydevelope burns from it. Cleaning the feet is only going to help cleanthe problem it won't fix the problem.

I use a mix of half water and half peroxide. Dip his feet in itand then dry them really good. Results aren't instant it usually takesa day to see improvement. I wouldn't use it every day either. Only onceina while for spot cleaning.

dajeti2 wrote:
Oh no. That's not good, really. What kind of cage doyou have?. Actually wkat kind of bottom do you have. The greatestproblem with pee on the feet is over time they can actually developeburns from it. Cleaning the feet is only going to help clean theproblem it won't fix the problem.

I use a mix of half water and half peroxide. Dip his feet in itand then dry them really good. Results aren't instant it usually takesa day to see improvement. I wouldn't use it every day either. Only onceina while for spot cleaning.

I have hay at the bottom of the cage and I clean itevery 3 day and I really clean it good 2 times a week by hoseing itdown.