My bunnies behavior

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Apr 12, 2010
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Recently, my 2 female bunnies have become hostile and sometimes aggressive. They run away from me and when I carry them, they growl. Today, one of them bit me for the first time. :/

Also, they bite each other. When I bring them food, one of them bites the other so she goes away and so, she has all the food.

I guess it's all because they are in a mature age? They weren't like that when they were little. They used to lick me and didn't run away. Now, they're 6 months old mounting each other. ;x

What should I do?

Spaying will reduce the nasty behavior. I tell everyone that has an aggressive bunny that they need to read up on bunnies and emulate what the "alpha" would do. Just as with dogs, you need to mimic behavior that would put you at the top--not always easy and there are some that are just alpha+++, but in most cases it works. Peter, a 9 pound Chin used to be very aggressive in his hutch, which I expected as I feel a rabbit should behave like a rabbit, but when he bit me for the first time I decided it would be the last before he learned biting would get him what he wanted. He is now a great bunny and will let me clean his hutch without "boxing" or biting and comes when he's called as he really likes being rubbed and even tolerates being picked up and held--note: used the word tolerate.

Your buns are maturing into adulthood =) and as mentioned before they are probably being aggressive because they haven't been sprayed yet. Does are meant to be bred; therefore, if you are not planning to breed them, spraying them is the best way to stop the aggressive behaviour. They get more grumpy and more possessive of their space and cage, maybe check with a vet and see if they have fully grown to get the surgery done.

hope this helps and good luck ^.~

Purinchan wrote:

Your buns are maturing into adulthood =) and as mentioned before they are probably being aggressive because they haven't been sprayed yet. Does are meant to be bred; therefore, if you are not planning to breed them, spraying them is the best way to stop the aggressive behaviour. They get more grumpy and more possessive of their space and cage, maybe check with a vet and see if they have fully grown to get the surgery done.

hope this helps and good luck ^.~

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