So I have a tough decision to make soon.... We lost our 8 year old male bun this week during surgery. We were unable to bring the body home to help with grieving. Our 8 year old girl bun is doing ok right now - she doesn't want to be alone unless she is in a part of the house that still smells like him - but she is eating and drinking and sleeping normally. She did, however, quickly develop an upper respiratory infection. We took her in for antibiotics and an x-ray, and the vet thinks that, based onthe x-ray, she has developed a thymoma. My understanding is that, without radiation or surgery ( both of which she will not be a candidate for) she may only have 4-6 months before she is in too much pain. I can't let her live her final weeks alone and wondering what happened to her partner. I also can't put her and another senior bun thru a stressful bonding process knowing they will be separated too soon. Not to mention the emotional hit I will take if I adopt and then loose a third rabbit. What do?