My Brave Weiners...

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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
Reaction score
, Texas, USA
So me and my oldest son are in the storage shed, getting out Christmas decorations..
We know there's a GIANT rat in there, but we figured we took care of it, and we would at least find a body.
Our 2 weenie dogs are keeping us company.. so im 6ft3.. and strappin. My son is 14, 5ft10,200lbs.. our 2 weenie dogs are a Mini.. Sam.. who weighs 11lbs, and Sunshine, a Standard, who weighs over 25lbs.

So im sitting in a lawn chair going thru bins.. my son pulls out this box, we open it, and this literal FOOT LONG rat jumps out and hauls tail... my lil mini weenie gives chase.. my son and the other dog? My son went screaming like a girl and jumped on top of the freezer clutching a giant candy cane, and Sunshine.. or Madam Chubbs as we like to call her..she immediately jumped all 25lbs into my lap, buried her face in my arm pit and whimpered.

I am glad the rat didnt have a gun or a machete... I would have been dead for sure.. with so much protection around me..

Here's a few snapshots of the sissies..



:roflmao:I bet the weenies are also very vocal about stuff they hear aren't they? LOL! I love it!

My son showed a pig for the first time this year during his Supreme Showmanship contest. He LOVED it. He's 16.5 and probably near the same size as your son - just about an inch taller!

OMG! what is on his belt buckle? Luke has a huge one with an eagle we call his "dinnerplate!" LOL
Thats a Rabbit Showmanship Award.. Grand Champion actually... he wants to be buried with that buckle.

He has won many since then, but that remains his Fav because it was his first. He was all of 12 when he got it..

ROFLOL!!! That's so funny!!!

And yes, it seems the bigger they (human or animal) they are, the bigger sissies they are! LOL!!

Our cat, Hobbes, our strapping 20lb such a WUSS!! He stalks around the house, acting all tough "guard kitty"...but the SECOND there's a knock on the front door, all you see are blurred stripes as he dashes under the bed in fear! LOL!! It's really funny!
COOL! That's great! Here, tho, you'd never show a pig with a rabbit buckle on! OMG it's just so unheard of! (can you tell I live among snobs??? lol) Actually the kids aren't getting a lot of awards like that anymore here either. It really ticks me off! Was that for 4H? My son represented the horse barn for SUPREME showmanship - that's the top of each barn - and they did NOTHING for him. All the other barns gave them something - but not the horse barn. Grrrr

I showed Luke your son and the piggy - and he's jealous! He came in today telling me that his teacher has pigs and wants to sell him one. Yeah, wheere we gonna put that sucker? he said the back yard..... :p

GoinBackToCali wrote:
Thats a Rabbit Showmanship Award.. Grand Champion actually... he wants to be buried with that buckle.

He has won many since then, but that remains his Fav because it was his first. He was all of 12 when he got it..


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