My baby did her first binky!!!

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Well-Known Member
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
Union, Missouri, USA
Hi All! I've been visiting the boardsfor a couple of weeks now but haven't posted too often, but I had topost this because I was so excited!

A little over two weeks ago I took in a 5+ year old female lop that wasbeing neglected at my mom's house. Right now she stays mostlyin her cage because she's not fixed yet and I have 7 cats that liveinside with us. My husband and I want her to be a houserabbit if possible, so I figured that she'd have to meet the catssometime. So when I got home from work today I blocked offour living room and let her out, and she met everyone with no problems,and after about half an hour she binkied and ran in front of me andpancaked down to be pet! I couldn't believe it!This is a bunny who has spent her entire life in a cage in the backyardwith no more than a few minutes of pets every couple of days, and twoweeks later she's binkie-ing in my living room! She binkiedprobably 10 more times in the next two hours I had her out. Ididn't want to put her back in the cage for the night because she washaving so much fun.

Just had to share!

:bunnydance:its soo great your lil bun isbecoming comfortable in her new enviroment!! You are obviously givingher the love she has always deserved!!:colors:

That's awesome! Isn't that the best thing ever, to see an animal go from sad to happy in your care?

Sounds like she's a real sweetie to boot!
That's a great story. Thanks for sharing it.And thanks for letting me know I'm not the only nut in the world with 7cats.. lol.

I get many raised eyebrows when people learn that I have 7 cats runningaround the house, and I'll admit on those rare occasions when I haveall of them in one room I think 'Whoa, that's a lot of cats', but Ilove having so many furballs running around. I'm never at aloss for cuddles. :)
I also meant to ask this in the first post--dobunnies have good memories? My mom came over last night whileI had Allie running around in the living room and she sat down on thefloor, and Allie ran right over to her and nudged her hand forpets. She even climbed on her a little bit, more so than shedid with me. It really seemed like she knew exactly who Momwas, even though Mom didn't do much more than feed her while she hadher. Does anyone think Allie remembered Mom, or just sawanother opportunity for pets? ;)