Well-Known Member
ive been here for ages but havent made my buns a blog yet :shock:yes shocking or what!
anyway heres me introducing you to my 4 terrors! they certainly keep me on my feet!
first off is Crystal i got her in 2005 she was my second ever rabbit my first being a chin netherland dwarf called thumper when i was 9 they got rehomed because like every kid i got bored :Xanyway Crystal is now 3 shes speyed and sadly needs dentals every month her health at the moment is a rollarcoster one minute she seems top of the world next she seems like shes on deaths door she is by far my fav rabbit (shhhh dont tell the other ) and i do spoil her a little to much shes bonded with Misty the first rabbit shes ever excepted :shock:any other rabbit i tried her with she attacked but to be fair Misty is beautiful before Crystal started having health problems she used to groom me constantly our bond was so strong but its like she cant be bothered any more poor girl :Xor maybe ive just been replaced by Misty :?she had a litter of babies when she was 5 months old it was a delibrate mating but i didnt know any better i.e rescues, genetics etc. 2 of the babies ended up with health problems by the time they were 10 weeks old not sure if the other 3 gained any or not which is why im strictly for show breeding only and dont believe in breeding 'mutts' which you have no knoledge of their history. sorry for rambling on time for pictures!
Crystal at 7 weeks
Crystal 5 months
Crystal 1 year
Crystal 18 months
Crystal 2 years
Crystal at 2 1/2 years before she got ill
Crystal now looking ill
anyway heres me introducing you to my 4 terrors! they certainly keep me on my feet!
first off is Crystal i got her in 2005 she was my second ever rabbit my first being a chin netherland dwarf called thumper when i was 9 they got rehomed because like every kid i got bored :Xanyway Crystal is now 3 shes speyed and sadly needs dentals every month her health at the moment is a rollarcoster one minute she seems top of the world next she seems like shes on deaths door she is by far my fav rabbit (shhhh dont tell the other ) and i do spoil her a little to much shes bonded with Misty the first rabbit shes ever excepted :shock:any other rabbit i tried her with she attacked but to be fair Misty is beautiful before Crystal started having health problems she used to groom me constantly our bond was so strong but its like she cant be bothered any more poor girl :Xor maybe ive just been replaced by Misty :?she had a litter of babies when she was 5 months old it was a delibrate mating but i didnt know any better i.e rescues, genetics etc. 2 of the babies ended up with health problems by the time they were 10 weeks old not sure if the other 3 gained any or not which is why im strictly for show breeding only and dont believe in breeding 'mutts' which you have no knoledge of their history. sorry for rambling on time for pictures!
Crystal at 7 weeks
Crystal 5 months
Crystal 1 year
Crystal 18 months
Crystal 2 years
Crystal at 2 1/2 years before she got ill
Crystal now looking ill