Well-Known Member
On may.10,07 at my middle school were havingamusical showcase. Im in the senior orcestra and i play the viola! Iused to be terrible at it. On my music playing tests i used to get 2/10or 6/10 but recentely ive been getting 8/10 and 9/10 so im very happy!On thursday my mom and dad are coming as well as probably everyoneelses parents etc.. ill be preforming about 3 times. The first time illbe singing. The second time ill be getting off tne stage and still infornt playing my viola with the orcestra! Wish us good luck! Hope webreak a leg..LOL
i wish bunbuns could come see the preformance!...no pets allowed
i wish bunbuns could come see the preformance!...no pets allowed