Mushy poo? Help!

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Jan 19, 2014
Reaction score
Grand Rapids, MI
My 1 year old rabbit Mr.Z has been having mushy clumpy poo rather than solid poops. I haven't SEEN him eating or drinking, but the food bowl is empty after 2 days and the water level in his bottle is going down. I'm not sure if my other rabbit Marsha is the one eating the food and drinking the water though. Should i bring him to the vet, or adjust his diet? I'm not sure whats wrong.:cry1:
Does he have both normal round fecal poop and some mushy poop. or is it all mushy? Is it watery diarrhea or paste like? Any blood or mucous in the poop? Have you changed anything in his diet or given anything new? Any changes in environment or anything that could be stressing him? Any lethargy or other behavioral changes?

You need to discover if he is eating and drinking. A rabbit that hasn't eaten for more than 12 hours, is an emergency situation, and your rabbit would need to see a vet immediately.
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He doesn't have and blood or mucus in his poop, but its squishy and clumpy. Its not runny, just squishy. We switched him to a new food about 2 weeks ago, but I don't think thats the problem because he hasn't been losing weight or anything. It might be because we moved his cage 2 days ago because the temperature was too cold.
Is he also having normal fecal poop(the round cocoa puff looking balls)? Is he eating?
I saw him eating some of his food just recently and he eats some hay, not a lot but he eats about a cup of hay every day. He has been having the fecal poo as well. One day he has that poo and then the next his poo is mushy.
A cup of hay in a day, isn't enough hay for a rabbit. He should be eating a pile of hay each day, that is about the size of his body. If he isn't, then it could be from getting too many pellets or possible dental issues. Mushy poop could be caused by both things- not eating enough hay because of dental issues, or getting too many sugars and carbs from the pellets and not eating enough hay. It's possible your rabbits mushy poop is due to diet or possibly the stress of moving him, but having a whole day where there is just mushy poop, doesn't usually happen when it is just a diet issue. Usually when a rabbit has cecal dysbiosis(mushy poop) due to diet, there will also be plenty of normal fecal poop each day, too. If your rabbit is having mushy poop all day, there may be something more serious going on, such as an overgrowth of harmful bacteria, or the coccidia parasite. Both are very serious and need immediate vet attention and medications. The vet can do a fecal test to find out if either of these is the cause of your rabbits mushy poop. So I would suggest taking your bun to the vet and having a fecal test done, as well as getting the teeth checked. if both of those come back clear, then it is likely a diet issue that can be remedied by your bun eating more hay and less pellets and sugary starchy treats.

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