Muppets weight gain.

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Mar 9, 2011
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Tacoma WA, , USA
So Miss.Muppet is done really well living here. She has gain a little over a pound and feels nice and solid now. Exept for in her hips, her hip bones still stick out and when you run your hand over her she is super boney in the rear. I was thinking about stopping the pellet free feed but should I wait to see if she fills out more in the hips. Maybe I am just used to Fraggles who's current nickname is "Porkchop"......Muppet is being spayed on the 2nd provided she passes the vets inspection. She will also have her teeth repaired during the surgery. On another note a bit more of her personality has emerged. When she is being petted and then you stop the lovings......she bites you! No warnings no apologies. Just a straight up bite. Real nice way to show the love :nosir:
Now Ms. Muppet is your blind bunny right? Maybe she doesn't know anything else? Only way to get your attention other than teeth? She can't nudge you right because she doesn't see?

I don't think she's being mean, but she is trying to tell you what she wants.

Hoping she gets a clean bill of health for her surgeries. Please let us know how she does.

K :)
The bites are due to her blindness actually :)
Because she does not see she uses her mouth to "test" things. Its a very good point that she does not nudge us like Fraggles does. She is also a big chewer but that goes back to her need to "test" her enviroment. Most bunnies chew but Muppet bites anything she can. When she is hopping around the house she will randomly stop at an object give it one or two quick bites and then be on her way.
The people who had her previously were terrible, so I'm sure they didn't take the time to teach her manners. I would just teach her not to bite the same way all youngsters need to be taught not to bite people.

Best of luck with the spay and tooth fixing.