Ms.Daisy's Visit to the vet

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Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2004
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Home of the white rabbits, , United Kingdom
Well I took my baby to the vet today, the poorlittle thing was frightened to death. We had to go tothe veton the bus and she was scared stiff of the other traffic, I've neverseen her shake so much!

When we got to the vets he checked her over and said she was in fullhealth. He said that on her nose seemed to be growing back. However, hesaid that he was going to send a sample to the lab to check for Ringworm. He said this is quite contagious and can also be spread tohumans
.Can you just imagine that?I would need to treat Daisy and thebabies, Myself, Ryan, Alyssa and even Caitlyn. Touch wood it isn't RingWorm as the vet said there was no other physical sign. He just wantedto be doubly certain to avoid me getting it and then pass it to one ofthe girls!

He clipped her nails for me (I'm too scared) and gave her a once over.So other than the hair loss on her nose she's as fit as a fiddle.

The vet didn't seem at all friendly and kept referring to Ms.Daisy as 'it', which I wasn't very happy about.

Does anyone know about Ring Worm and the symptoms that it causes? Ithought there was like a 'ring' on the skin. He did check all her skinand there was nothing.

We get the results tomorrow morning. So I'll let you know how she is.

DaisyNBuster wrote:
The vet didn't seem at all friendly and kept referring to Ms.Daisy as 'it', which I wasn't very happy about.

Oh, unh-unh... . Vickie, I'd start looking for a new vetnow before you need one for an emergency. I just don't trustthe ones who are notsympathetic towards the bun.They'll recommend that they be "put down"in aminute. In addition, in the back of my mind I always wonderif they're giving full care.

It's stressful enough for the bun to goto the vet, but to go to one that he/she senses is not the most "warmand fuzzy two-footer" in theworld?

We went through a couple too before we found the right one for Sherman.

P.S. It's stressful foryou too to have a vet whose demeanor isn'treassuring. :X And he SHOULD HAVE given you someinfo on ringworm so that you could be knowledgeable about thesituation. Hrrrmph! I wish that I was a cussingwoman right now.
So Daisy doesn't like the bus, ey? Not surprising. It really is loud; stops and goes, and allthe people. It bums you out when you see them upset like thatand you can't do anything about it, doesn't it? Mytwo shed a bed when they're stressed like that.

I agree with BunnyMommy about the vet calling her an it anditisthe proper thing to do to give you informationabout ringworm. When someone's cold like that, you don't feelcomfortable asking questions, but you're certainly deserving of it asyou pay their salaries. My vet is so loving towards my littleones that it comforts me.

Although I'm sorry that she might have ringworm, I'm glad youcaught it and acted on it when you did. Certainly hope itisn't that, but the important thing is that it's curable.She's certainly a tough little girl! Two pregnancies back toback and now possible ringworm. What a littlebabe. Give her a big kiss for me.

Saying a little prayer that she doesn't have ringworm and that your family doesn't as well.

Pamnock - That article proved to be very usefuland interesting as usual- Thank you. Asit happens non of us have any symptoms (YET!) so if we get Daisytreated in time we may get away with not catching it! Theres just onething, I really don't know how she managed to catch it. She has nevercome into contact with soil. Do you know of anything else that may havetriggered it?

Bunnymommy - You are right. We originally took Hugz to thatvet to be neutered. He was highly recommended. Since then we have heardso stories about him. Ryans Nanna took their dog and he said,"Don't be surprised if the dog dies." and this was a routine operation!To be quite honest I was reluctant taking her there in the first place.Its just we have no car and the weather is bad andI didn'twant Daisy getting even more stressed with a longerbusjourneyPetsmart) has a very good veterinaryclinic and that isn't too far, just an extra half an hour. I willprobably take them therein future.

Actually thinking about it - he was the same vet that my Mum rang whenSiobhan's Cammie was ill. He said theres no point taking her as she'llprobably not make the journey. I would have said it was worth the risktaking her - just in case she made it. As it happens she didn't, butshe may have for all he knew.

Anyway enough of my waffling, thank you all for replying - I'm going tocheck up on her now and give her some fresh hay and food.

Take care


Carolyn wrote:
.....but you're certainly deserving of it as you pay their salaries.

Although I'm sorry that she might have ringworm, I'm glad youcaught it and acted on it when you did. Certainly hope itisn't that, but the important thing is that it's curable.She's certainly a tough little girl! Two pregnancies back toback and now possible ringworm. What a littlebabe. Give her a big kiss for me.

Too right it cost me £34 ($63) Just for taking a swab offur !Mind you at least they will be able to find out for sure and you can'tput a price on a pets health :D.

Yeah she's a little trooper and is getting lots and lots of hugs andkisses fromus. After all this she could do with going toTucker Town for a well earnedrest

Hey Vickie!

I dont know if this is true but I read on the chinchilla forum I go onthat anti-dandruff shampoo can help reduce the risk of ringworm????????I really dont know whether it does but hey! :dude:

Give Ms.Daisy a treat from me!

Siobhan xxx
On humans i mean! LOL! By the by, Mr Gourley is agood vet though Vickie, he knows everything about every animal, he justisnt very sympathetic! Next time ask to see one of the female vets, Icant remember their names, they were really nice :)
Dearest Vickie,

You and yours are Most Welcome to Tucker Town any time you wish.


Some dreams do come true. I bet you make it over here at some point.



I had ring worm i got it form a public chair at a pool it was on mystomach and sides...i posted in another thread that i used lotromin itsa athletes foot cream that kills ring worm also...i had round patcheson my sides it did go away if you do see signs call your dr and see ifyou can use that or something close to that.
Thanks so much cuddlesMom!

Well I am so annoyed my baby is getting a lot worse now and everytime Iring the vet they say "no results aren't back yet! May take a week!" Iam nothappy at all!Just take a look at her:


I just hate my little girl suffering!

Sometimes the vet will look at the skin under aspecial light to determine if it's a fungus. Culturing asample is more accurate, but can take a couple weeks.

For now, try applying a little fungus foot powder for people.It worked well for our horses who often picked up fungal infections ontheir noses from morning dew in the grass. Is your rabbit outon the grass at all? Fed damp grass? Keptin a damp/humid area?


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