Mr. Bun Bun's Future

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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2009
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Richmond, Virginia, USA
Now that his little brother is dead, I want to know how Bun Bun's future is going to be. He's a bit old, 7 years.

He's eating and acting fine right now, but how will he take this? I know that rabbits are sensitive and emotional animals - this concerns me, badly.
I don't plan on getting anymore rabbits. Is there any other way I can make bun bun feel comfortable? Even if that means spoiling, I don't want him to become stressed out and die. I want him to be happy and live to his upmost. Maybe when my money's strait I'll get him a friend, but not now.

Any ideas on how to make him feel comfortable?

The first thing I would do is give him a stuffed animal to cuddle with, and spend extra time with him right now. He may not want to re-bond with another bunny. I would just wait a few weeks and see how things go. He may be happy with your company and care, and not need another bunny buddy. Definitely give him a stuffed animal though.
He already has a stuffy, but he doesn't really like it. I haven't givin him his favorite stuffy in a while becuase there are tears in it and my mom won't wash it, but while there's no stuffing coming out, I gave it back to him. He didn't even mount it! He licked it and layed by it.

I'm going to get him a new one tomarrow, but I've looked for stuffed animals before at stores like walmart or Kmart- they're always something "popular collectable" like neopets with outragious prices that can talk/make noises - I'm not not looking for something special - just a stuffed animal, perferably a rabbit. I'll check out something original like the Dollar General or Good WIll. Then I can take his old stuffy out and fix it. Then he can have 2 stuffed friends.

Thank you so much for the info!
I have the same situation here. My Lego is now a lone bunny, and she turns 7 in Dec. She does have her kitty (Jasmine, who's 13) tho. I did put down a stuffy too, and she's groomed it a couple times. She however, has always been more interested in kitty than other bunnies. It's not that she doesn't miss Jacub I'm sure, but she's doing really well, binkying, stretching out, and just last night I saw her first side flop since Jake's passing. So I know that she's feeling good and happy.

Just keep an eye on Bun Bun and spend all the time you can doting on him. Lots of pets, kisses, and veggies. I'm even throwing in some treats I'd never have given her before... yogurt drops. Just one every few days, but it's something special she can enjoy.

I'm very sorry you lost your Koga (((HUGS))). Please give some pets to Bun Bun from us as well.
I got a toy for a bunny at the shelter whose bonded mate passed away. I got it in the dog section. It's a little sheepskin lamb, made by Kong I think, and it came with a squeaker inside. There was also a second squeaker to replace the first if your dog destroyed it. I just took the squeakers out. Since it was meant to be a dog toy, it's very sturdy, and doesn't have a lot of cottony stuffing. It was on clearance so I got it for $3. The dollar store would be a good place to look, but so would the dog toy aisle. If you can't find one of those cheap, a bit of fake sheepskin can be a comfort too--SnowyShiloh has a bunny that has one of those, I think.

I'm not surprised that he layed by and licked the stuffy--he wants a buddy, not a love interest. Just like when a person dies the people they leave behind just need physical touch--like a hug, or someone to sit by them.

Anyway, good luck!

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