Mr. and Mrs. Pie Come Home Friday!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2006
Reaction score
Kenton, Ohio, USA
Well, I was due to bring all three of our new bunnies home on Friday.

Unfortunately, our hedgehog had some problems. He had something wrong with his eye on Sunday and my husband took him into the vet, then overnight his eye ruptured and I took him in Monday morning to have it amputated. He has cancer. The vet found a large tumor behind his eye. So with vet bill for Snowball I can't take the 80.00 from my family budget to buy a bunny for myself right now.

I wrote the breeder and explained and she offered to let us come get the two bunnies for the kids still and to hold Livingston for me till I'm better prepared for him. With him being a big bunny I can't just stick him in any old cage, so a safe place needs to be prepared (which costs) and I need to get the money together to buy him too. I'm very thankfull she's willing to hold him :)

She is giving us two dutch tort bunnies and a cage for free on Friday so the kids will have their very own show bunnies. They are very excited! I will post pictures when we get them :)

Aww, Sorry to hear about your Snowball...sending good thoughts your way for a speedy recovery. Did they manage to remove all of the cancer?

Cant wait to see some pics of your new dutches! I have two and they are just the best!

Hope everything works out for you...sounds like you're being very responsible with your new additions to the family.

Good Luck!

She got as much as she was able to of the cancer without letting him bleed to death. Tumors bring a lot of blood to the area they are at so it's kind of a grab and close situation.

Thank you both for your good wishes :) I'll certainly post pictures of the bunnies and I'll post a picture of Snowball when he's looking a little more hadsome than he is now.
Poor Snowball! :pray:

I look forward to seeing pics of your new babies :)
I posted pictures in the blog area :) And Snowball is almost all better!!
Loved the blog! Watch out, Ohio isnt too far away from me...I may be coming to steal one of those cute dutchies! lol.

Glad to hear Snowball is feeling better..hopefully he continues to improve. :pray:


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