Snuggys Mom wrote:
I suppose you could rig something with zip ties (by pokingholes in the sides of the box), but you'd have to find an easy way todisconnect them for cleaning. Maybe one zip tie attached tothe cage and one attached to the box and a caribiner clip toconnect?
I'm thinking way too much here.
I used zip ties in the beginning and it was a pain in the royal tushie.
I tried using the binder clips and the buns would manage to move the pans around just enough to unclip them.
I ended up using those baby link rings....
I just clip them on the wire and then on the holes, no muss, no fuss.
The buns chew on them and will eventually chew through them, but ittake quite a while. I just replaced the oned on S'more pan after about3 months of use.
I got them at the dollar store....they're the same ones we gave out as door prizes at the Party.'s one that shows them on Brindle & Benji's pan. Youcan't see, but Benji's pan still has the holes from using the zip ties.
You can also see that I used the links for the baby keys and to make a hanging toy.
I used them in S'more cage to rig up her salt lick, too.