Mouth wet on one side

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Active Member
Jun 5, 2013
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My rabbit Sid is going in for surgery January 16 to have his top and bottom front teeth removed. Today I gave him one of the treat sticks. The ones you hang in the cage and they chew off the seeds. I just noticed that one side of his mouth is soaked. The treat was wet. I took it away and tried to wipe his face. He seems normal. Just gave him pellets and he's eating like normal. Should I be concerned? I attached pictures ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1388887787.279959.jpgImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1388887796.562262.jpgImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1388887808.446105.jpg
It could have to do with his current teeth problems. Maybe chewing that treat stick was hard for him to chew and so was drooling because of it.

If the vet hasn't checked his molars lately, you may also want to ask them to do that when they have him under for the incisor removal, to make sure that wasn't the cause of the drooling.
Buns can drool from teeth issues which is probably what it is since he is having teeth removed I am assuming he has dental issues.
My rabbit Sid is going in for surgery January 16 to have his top and bottom front teeth removed. Today I gave him one of the treat sticks. The ones you hang in the cage and they chew off the seeds. I just noticed that one side of his mouth is soaked. The treat was wet. I took it away and tried to wipe his face. He seems normal. Just gave him pellets and he's eating like normal. Should I be concerned? I attached pictures View attachment 6857View attachment 6858View attachment 6859
--front teeth removed will require special diet,afterward-(for life)--why-are the teeth to be removed.??--misaligned,deformed,??--options.??--has the exotic dvm specialist discussed any other option with you .??--??--I would only consider removal if it was to save the bunz life,--sincerely james waller :cry4::ph34r2:tears2:
--front teeth removed will require special diet,afterward-(for life)--why-are the teeth to be removed.??--misaligned,deformed,??--options.??--has the exotic dvm specialist discussed any other option with you .??--??--I would only consider removal if it was to save the bunz life,--sincerely james waller :cry4::ph34r2:tears2:

He has a bad over bite. The vet will take a better look at his molars when they remove the teeth. Not only do they grow out but they separate on the bottom teeth. They are just getting worse. The vet did say his back molars look good considering his over bite and front teeth are so bad.

He has no drool today. I think it was because he was having a hard time with the treat. My poor little bunny. I feel like a jerk for even giving it to him :(

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