Mounting bunnies

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Active Member
Mar 1, 2012
Reaction score
Weehawken, Husdon County, New Jersey, USA
Hey gang,

So here's a new one for me. Vida started mounting Noxe. They are both females. Vida has always been the leader of the two.

I've read about it being a sign of dominance. Not sure exactly what that means for the other bunny. Is there anything I need to worry about? Noxe doesn't like it. She does run away and Vide chases her. She mounts her any which way.

I'm looking for advice on this. Does it ever become a problem? They are 5 months old (same litter). My vet has me scheduled to get them fixed next month. Should I get them in sooner, although this doesn't mean it will stop.

I'm only concerned because Noxe trys to get away and sometimes just freezes in place - and appears to be scared.

Thanks in advance.

OH, just a side note. I know this has NOTHING to do with it but want to mention. I just started introducing them to greens. Vida the dominant one, is the only one who will eat them. I gave her dandelion greens and kale. Each time I fed her the Kale, she started the mounting shortly after. I've been home all night and all day. This was the only time I've witnessed her doing it was after her Kale feeding. Coincidence?
Yes they are just humping because they are full of hormones so are being dominant, once they are fixed then it should stop, or at least calm down. My females do this too, and when they freeze while the other bunny is mounting, it's because that's what they would do if a male was humping them, they'd just freeze and let him get on with it.
I don't think there is anything to worry about, you just have to make sure it doesn't turn into a fight.
Thanks for the response. They are both taking their turns on each other. LOL

It seems like while they are mounting each other, they are either cleaning or nibbling on their back? Thoughts on that?

The one bunny is WAY more dominant than the other. I feel bad for the other one. There are periods of times where it's constant. She runs in a circle and goes back to what she was doing - over and over.

Well Monday I have them scheduled to get fixed. I hope this calms them down. They also broke their litter training, as others had mention will happen during this phase. I look forward to that getting back under control.

I'll update this after they are fixed and recovered.
When males mount a female sometimes, they grab onto their fur or nibble it too. I think its's to calm them down, or maybe just to hold on! I hope their surgeries go well! I'm sure they will be happier once they're fixed. I've read that females can sometimes pull out their stitches, so watch for that! :)
It's probably just as well that you moved the surgeries up to Monday, as all I could think of to do instead was to house them in adjoining pens. I assume though that you'll need to keep them apart for at least a few days afterwards, so they don't do something to the other's stitches.
Thanks for the response. I was wondering if there's a point that I should house them separately until the surgery. They are NOT fighting, so I don't feel as though there's anything to worry about. It's just hard watching the one constantly mount the other one, chasing her around. It's in bursts. They'll break, rest, then back at it again. Monday can't get here fast enough.
Maybe if you have time you could separate them today or tomorrow. Even without actual fighting, she could be building up a resentment toward her too-friendly friend.