Moulting in December?

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Retired Moderator
Oct 24, 2009
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Greater Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
So the last few days, Gus has been beginning to moult.Which has me really confused. He just moulteda couple months ago (end of August/beginning of September) when the seasons began to change. I didn't expect to see him mouting again until at least March!

The only thing I can think is that the timing seems to correspond with the end of a cold snap we just had and a change in temperature from -5C to+10C in just a few days!

Should I be concerned that he's going to moult in the middle of December?Or is this totally normal for house rabbits?


Rabbits tend to molt two times a year. ;)

Some of my rabbits are losing a bit of their fur right now, but aren't in a full molt.

I don't know if him being indoors and molting now means he could be sick or not...maybe somebody will come along and help you on that. ;)

Lola is doing the same thing. It just started Sunday. I thought it was kinda weird that she began to moult right about the beginning of winter. But now that I see Gus is doing it too it must be a weather thing (seeing as we are in the same general area).
My buns are doing the same thing. They just moulted a few months ago and now their doing it again. I'm trying to vaccum everyday, cause it's so bad.
Depends on their change in environment. And I say that purely based upon my experience so far. Kirby molted in Dec last year, which was one month after I adopted him, and molted again in Feb. He was a hutch bun before I got him. He molted this year in the summer and like October instead... So it was more like 3 times in 2009. If your bun is new to your home or his current setup, his molting could be a bit off until he stabilizes. Toby is 9 months old and he seemed to cling onto his baby fur for 6 months and has been shedding like a little monster the last 3 months. Clearly he hasn't quite figured out what to do with himself yet! I think it just depends on environment.
My bun is not moulting right now, but 2 buns that hubby sees once a month down in So IL are moulting bad, he said. Depends on climate as well as environment like others have noted.;)

I'm thankful for no moulting here!:p
Thanks, guys!

Gus was living in a garage before I got him, so just a step above living outside. So I guess he could still be adjusting to living inside the house.

I just hope this moult doesn't last long! I've been plucking fur out of him by the handful! :shock:
