I have a couple spooky stories, myself....
The first time I ever saw a ghost was when I was a little girl, about 7or 8 yrs old...I was walking past my brother's room and at the foot ofhis bed I saw my stuffed dragon "Puff" bouncing around as if my littlebro was putting on a puppet show. It isntantly dropped to the floor asI walked past. I stopped, said "hey, what are you doing down there withmy dragon?" and walked to the foot of the bed expecting to see mybrother crouching back there...NOTHING. Just a stuffed dragon lying onthe floor. I even checked under the bed (and if you ever watch scarym,ovies you KNOW this is a bad move...lol) and NOTHING...no littlebrother. he wasn't even home!
The second time I saw a ghost was MUCH MUCH later on...about 3 yrs ago,approximately. I was in my bedroom, just waking up in the morning. Itwas a bright, sunnyday and my room was fully lit. My back wasfacing the window, and there was no sun in my eyes. I yawned, opened myeyes....and JUMPED about 10 feet in the air, then screamed and buriedmy face in the pillow yelling "OMG WHO IS THAT! WHO IS THAT!" There wasa MAN standing right next to my bed, kinda near the middle of the bedon my side leaning over me and SMILING. He had brown hair, green eyesand was sorta spanish looking. He also wore a checkered button downshirt and blue jeans. You don't forget this sorta thing cause whe yousee someone in broad daylight that you have never seen before IN YOURROOM...its SCARY as hell....your mind kinda flashes and you just havethis image burned into it! When I lifted my head off the pillow and RANto the kitchen, no one was there and my mom was like "Are you ok?"....
So time goes on....a couple weeks later....same thing happens. I wakeup, open my eyes...AND ALL I SEE IN FRONT OF ME ARE JEANS ANDTHECHECKEREDSHIRT TUCKED INTO THE JEANS....ISCREAMED again and FROZE...then he was gone! I didnt even look up causeI was afraid to make any kinda eye contact. Crap I am shaking as Iwrite this....
I never saw the guy again, but a few months after that, I woke up,opened my eyes and an older woman was standing at the foot of my bedholding a young boy's hand. He was a young spanish looking boy. Come tothink of it, maybe he was the man by my bed as a child? I have no clue,but I haven't seen any ghosts since then and these were all within a3-4 month period.....I don't live in that house anymore....