More space or more interaction?

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New Member
Jul 28, 2011
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Michigan, , USA
We just got a baby Lionhead bun last week - So far he's been in our livingroom in a wire dog cate - It's about 30 x 24, so not optimal in size - However - we have an exceptionally small house so if we were to upgrade his floor size he would have to go into our mudroom at the back of our house, where we never hang out. Right now he is in the room we use the most so he gets interacted with very frequently and gets to have a run of the room every morning and evening (I try to do at least 2 hours each time).

I'm a little bit worried that if we moved him to the back area of the house he would not get the interactions he has been getting.

We could make a NIC that goes UP in space to add some size and let him stay where he is, but if he needs more actual floor area, he will have to move - SO - Which is better? A bigger floor area to love in, or a smaller home with near constant humans nearby?

I think the cage size sounds fine for a bunny of his size, especially if he's getting time outside the cage. Adding some extra levels would be great fun for him, too.

Constantly around people can be a good or a bad thing...does he seem to like being around all those people all the time? Most rabbits I know of will hide in a corner if there are too many people around or if the people get too noisy, in which case they would do better in the back room.
Benjamin are bunny is extremely social and wants to be around people all of the time. I guess that is partly why he is just so cuddly. I would go up and add layers and also a house that he can get inside of when he is tired of people. If you are letting him out for runs he should be just fine.
Are their young children in the house? I think they may be stressful for a rabbit (sudden screams, even if from a happy child could terrify a bunny etc). If it is adults I think being around all the time is much better so they get the social interaction. My buns love being the center of attention, but my husband and I are quiet in general.

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