more questions...sorry, this is day 5

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Jul 19, 2009
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So I have asked a few questions already and have learned some important things about owning a bunny. Thanks everyone!
Each day I have more questions....
So, My baby is 11 weeks old. This is day 3 with litter box training. Loppy only made puddles on the floor one time and all the rest he went right in his litter box! I am so proud! Now if only he could go pebbles in his litter box. I did see like 2 pebbles in there but I bet that was an accident. This little thing poops a lot! I know its going to take time and I am so amazed at how he is peeing in his box already. I dont mind sweeping out the pebbles a couple of times a day, I would rather do that than have to clean up the pee. The only thing that is annoying is this....when i wake up in the morning my little bunny has been very mischievious over the night. He moves his little box to the center of the cage. He manages to spill out his food bowl. He poops a tremendous amount and makes it roll 12 feet out of his cage! He's an angel in the day and a little devil at night while I am not looking. The only thing I can think of is that he is very active at night and when he is hopping around he is making the pebbles roll. Well I have to clean it up immediatly when I wake up or else my 2 boys will track the pebbles throughout the house. Its hardwood floor so those little pebbles just slide across the living room floor.
ANy suggestions?

What can I do to keep him occupied at night? I know that most little critters are most active at night so i assume thats the case with my bunny. I had a hampster one time and that little guy ran on his wheele all night long! How do you keep your bunny occupied? Are there toys? SHould I confine him to a smaller space? I just dont know.

Also I am going to figure out a way to put his hay where he can only get to it by sitting in his litter box.

As far as the litter pan, if you get a pan made for buns or ferrets (mostly corner pans) they have little pieces that attach to your cage. This works wonders with Abby my lil furniture rearranger. There are also food dishes that connect to the sides of the cage also. These are GREAT! You may try to find some of the clear plastic type guards that alot of people have around bird cages to keep the poo in. Abby is the same way. She is insane at night, Lol. Come to think of it she is always insane... Hey at least he isn't like that all day long like my girl. Lol. These things should work wonders for you though.
You need to give your bunny lots of toys. Give him lots of things to do. Hanging wood toys. Kitty cat balls. Petsmart has some toys or the best toys are the ones you order online :)Tunnels are good. My buns love them. Cardboard boxes for him to chew. You can make him a house. Toliet paper rolls or paper towel rolls. The list can go on. LOl.

I think Janet answered your other questions. ...:biggrin2: April
It does take time. Put some hay in his box. He will get the hang of it. They do get better especially after neutering/spaying. Somerabbits are better at then others.Not all mine are 100% with their box. I'll take80%.

Good luck with your new bun.

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