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Jun 24, 2012
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Oxford, , United Kingdom
Hi, Further to my help post.

Doe had litter of 5 33days ago, but had 2nd ltter 3 days ago, due to kits being knocked out of nest the older babies were taken out and are now on there own (doing well eating fine)

BUT..i keep finding kits wriggling out of the nest found one this morning a long way away in the living area. Very cold but alive..I picked it up and put it back with the others and found another covered up a little distance away too.

How can Stop this from happening? or can I? Is there anyway I can tell if they are being fed? Mum doesnt seem to worry as much about them as she did the first. The nest isnt as well made, they are on top of a mound, unlike the others which were very deeply buried. Also she was a little moody with everyone (except me) before but doesnt seem to worried at all this time.
Can you get a littter box or cardboarx box with high sides that mom can get over but not the babies?
You need to move her little nest into a container of some sort. I use huge litter pans with the clip-on side things for my Flops. When she's done nursing, she's hopping away. Any babies that are latched on at the time are being drug away from the nest. When they're in a container, the edges of the container actually knock the babies off and back into the nest, where they stay safe and warm.

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