Mopsy's new piggy friend

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Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2006
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Marseilles, Illinois, USA
Ok I saw alot of you have given your bunniesstuffed toys. So we bought one for Mopsy.It's a fuzzy pink pig. We put it in the cage withher. She sniffed it. She nibbled on it.She pushed it around. And now she has spent the past 20minutes humping it at a hundred miles an hour. Mykids are laughing hilariously at this. I didn't think a girlbunny would do this.But the vet assured me that Mopsy is a girl. All my15y/o could say wonder they have babies so fast....they do it ahundred miles an hour. But she seemshappy with it so hey.
Decided to try her in the living room withoutthe flash. They all came out good so here she is loving herfriend, and her paper bag. She was binkie'ing all over theplace. We have to let the dogs out for her to do this so it'snot often she gets the run of the room. Oh and I've's a hippo not a pig.







Aww, that really is cute.

I've been contemplating giving Wildfire a stuffy to keep her company, but she's getting a real bunny friend soon.

Maybe once your bunny has finished asserting her dominance, she'll start cuddling and grooming her buddy.

Oh she's been grooming'shilarious. She licks it and fluffs its furr. I loveher. I wish we could let her roam more often, but for ownsafety I cannot. We have 3 large dogs who just want to playbut I know would end up hurting her.
What a cutie! I love dutch buns. :)

Our Flower has a piggy friend we call Mr. Piggy. Though she'snever humped the poor thing, she has bathed him and scooted him around,and lays with him all the time. It's really cute, too,because when she comes out in the evening, I'll take him and have himchase her around, and she just LOVES it! I get HUGE binkiesout of her for that! :)

Here's a picture of her Mr. Piggy:


Aww Mopsy! What a cute little dutchie..

Give her kisses from me and the boys (Basil and Max are about to pack up their carrots and head to IL ;))
Yep, that's my previously-scrawny-and-tinyFlower HoneyBun! She's such a sweetheart...her looks reflecther personality to a "t"! :)

Thank you...she thanks you for the compliments, too! She'sVERY proud of her beauty, but mostly proud of her home and her food andwater. You should see her hold her head high when she eatssometimes, and she thanks me everyday for all the things we've givenher. What a sweetie! :)

SOOOSKA wrote:
Rosie, is that Flower? She's gotten so big and Beautiful.

He he! Great pics! I triedgiving Fey and Sprite a stuffed bear. Fey licked it thenignored it, and Sprite just ignored it. Of course, it wasMocha's reject. She didn't care much about it either.

aurora369 wrote:
I've been contemplatinggiving Wildfire a stuffy to keep her company, but she's getting a realbunny friend soon
Sorry to hijaack the thread but I must know! Who's this newfriend? Is she one of the moms you've fostered or is shegetting a boyfriend?
I've been talking with one of the rescue co-ordinators about gettingWildfire a boyfriend. I really want a bunny thats on thelarge side (I've only ever had the small ones), or a loppy one.

She says she's got a couple in mind, so we're going to arrange a bunny date.

I don't know when it will happen, because I'm going on vacation overChristmas break, and I don't know if I can get them bonded before Igo. So I may wait till January to start.

But, when it does happen, I promise to make a new blog for it, and keep everyone supplied with lots of cute bonding pictures.
*Hijack Over*



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