Moody french-lop

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Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2012
Reaction score
Olathe, Colorado, USA
I'm really worried about my french-lop Butterscotch. Usually she's a very sweet little bun-bun, but all,of a sudden she has become really aggresive. Everytime I touch her she makes a little grunting sound! She is molting a lot so I think she might have a furball. Can furballs make bunnies grumpy? I'm going to start giving her some mineral oil and possibly some papaya tablets. She's never done anything like this before, she is just not her usual happy bunny self. Any advice would be much appreciated :3
How old is she? Sounds more like her hormones are kicking in. If so, spaying will help with this. She might get a bit territorial too so be careful when sticking your hand in. It will taper down as she gets older but yeah, females often get like this when they reach a certain age.

If she's spayed and has been for a while, maybe she's just having an off day and feeling grumpy. Or she's just trying to show you whose boss. Lol. My german lop is a real diva and has that attitude year-round :p