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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
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ozark, Alabama, USA
my 6 month old doe named angel. when she was abit younger she was the sweetest rabbit now it is like she is stuck ina permanent bad mood

will she ever be sweet again?


well Iluv chances of her beingpregnant is 100 % living withan unneautered buck seperatethem as soon as possableyou dont want her having baboes in therewith him , chances of her killing themare too great , orthe buck will do thesame seperate themasap .
I bet she's pregnant too, like gypsy said, if youdon't seperate them, she could get nervous and either eat or kill herbabies. The buck will also do this too.

Make sure to get them neutered and spayed if you want them to livetogether. It will decrease territorial spraying from the male and theywill both have a sweeter temperment and decrease the chances of uterinecancer in the female.

She is probably 100% pregnant, as I found outrabbits can breed in LITERALLY (i AM BEING COMPLETLY TRUTHFUL) 1SECOUND! Seperate them immediatly she sounds as if she is pretty farinto her pregnancy.;)
Just wondering, if you seperate the buck from thedoe, when the doe is pregnant, does it count if you just put them inseperate cages, but very near one another or alittle away from another,or is it still bad to keep the buck near the doe?
I would keep them completly seperate places,pregnant rabbits and especially ones that have already given birth tothere kits are very unconfortable around other rabbits, they sometimeseven kill the kits if they feel threatened. :shock:
Cool thanks for the advice, one more question, what age is the best age for bunnies to be pregnant.

----Back in Brazil I had 2 rabbits, I was about 6 and I had them in theyard, when the female rabbit had her kits, she had them inside thehouse, underneath my bed, and she and the babies started crying orsomething, I cried and cried and woked up my mom because I thought theywere rats and stuff under my bed, so that night my mother had to sleepaside me so i would actually go to sleep, but the thing is, did she laythem there so the male rabbit wouldnt come in and kill them? I heardthe buck kills the babys like some does
Should the doe and buck have their cages awayfrom one another, even without the doe bein pregnant or is it ok tohave the doe and a buck in the same room, diff cages
Thet can be in the same room. In fact wehad Apollo and Athena's cages side by side. If they try and fightthrough the cage give them a bit more room apart.

The ideal age to breed small breed rabbits is you wait a whole year they have less chance of gettingpregnant.I have never in twenty years of raising rabbits have rabbitsthat bred through the wire.bluebird