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A few months ago, Moochie was playing behind thecomputer desk, while I was moving stuff around it. My modemfell off the desk and onto her head. She started having seizures, andinstantly a head tilt/wry neck. She was walking around incircles, and whenver we put in her cage, she would start havingseizures again. This was on a Sunday night, where no vet wasopen. I took her into bed with me just to keep an eye onher. On monday, i called the vet and told her what Moochie'ssymptoms were, and told herMoochie was eating and drinkingfine. They just told me to watch over her and bringher in if anything changes in her behavior. She did notparticipate in food as much as she did before (thats how she got thename Moochie - she'd even eat off my plate). So we startedsyringe feeding her - what we called it was Moochie Mush- rabbitpellets, and some sort of vitamin. We also gaveherspinach, and for dessert, fruit or vegetable babyfood. the only way we could feed her is to roll her wholebody up in a towel. So my fiancee was rolling her up in atowel, and at the last second, she kicked her leg out, and broke herleg. This poor bunny. To this day, she still is very happy,licks everyone she comes in contact with, and is just a very loveablebunny. But what I dont like is how she still cant reallywalk. She can back up, but it just hurts me to see her try toreach for her food, and not be able to reach it, and end up rolling..Her leg is healed now, but her upper leg (where our thigh would be) isbent outward because of the splint she had on it for so long.I just want her to be comfortable. I was thinking aboutputting padding around the cage so if she rolls, then wont hit her headon the edges. We bought another bunny to keep her company,and we didnt really know how to tell the sex of the bunny, and it endedup being a boy. So would it be possible for her to havebabies, or because of her rolling, would it not be in the bestsituation for her to be pregnant? Or does anyone have anyadvice for me how to make her the happiest she can be?