Shes absolutely fine just as good condition aswhen she was taken GURRR, they obviously thought crosses where not asimportant as pure, as they seemed to of looked after her!
Thanks Tina me too, Shawn is in such a bad way Idont think he will be here much longer, its always the same somethinggood hapens then something bad takes its place, I'm doing all I can buthes just not right
I know he was matted really bad. Whatelse is going on with him? There is no way we are going to let him gowith out one heck of a fight. I adore the little guy.
Omigosh, you got her back...that is wonderfulnews! I'm sorry to hear that Shawn isn't doing well; I will keep him inmy thoughts for you. At least he is back home and in your care, so youdon't have to wonder about him prayers are going out tohim for a recovery. But wow...given what happened with your animals,what a miracle to have them brought back home! Truly amazing...
HEllo there.samLove all your rabbits!Especially the brown one with thelong hair! (chipperluv)andshawn, I love your bunnies, I thinkthey are gorgeous! samandshawn wrote:
SOunds really odd a breederwould dump a pedigreed rabbit at ashelter ,Especially if he thoughtshe hadgood quality ? what didthe police have to say about all this ?I dont know about where you are but thiskind of crime is punishable .