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Aug 22, 2005
Reaction score
, , United Kingdom
Im a bit worried about my bun she had her frontteeth taken out a year and a half ago she hasnt had any problems sincebut i think her molars are playing her up because ive noticed the lastfew days that shes wet under her chin so she must be drooling.Im takingher to the vets tomorrow and i know that she will have to have themfiled down but im worried that she wont come round after the aniseptic.Im just wondering how long it takes to file them downand hasanyone had there buns doneand how were they afterwards.Thanks in advance im a bit of a worrier.
I have had a bunny whose molar was infected andhad to be removed. Not sure how many were removed.She did just fine after the surgery. I gave her baby food(veggie flavor only) meant for toddlers and she loved it! Irecommend talking to your vet to find out all the details of thesurgery and post-op care.

Sharon :pray:
I took my bun to the vets tonight and shes gotto go in tomorrow and have her molars filed down.My vet told me he willdo his best and treat her like is own, hopefully she will pull throughthe aniseptic.
My bun Bella was fine they filed her molarsright down and everything went well.Shes home now but looking a bitsorry for herself and she hasnt eaten yet.Has anyone got any ideas onwhat she might like to eat as i know her gums will be sore.
Can you make a slurry from herpellets? Maybe she would like that. You could grindup the pellets and put in a little apple juice or pineapple juice toget her to eat it.



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