Molar removal?!

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Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
petaling jaya, , Malaysia
hello all,

my rabbit went for his 3rd filing and that is when he stopped eating. it has been almost 3 weeks now.

i have been force-feeding him once every 3 hours. he has fever and REFUSE to eat now.

a week ago, he manage to have some papaya, banana and a little wholemeal bread cause he LOVES IT(i know it is bad, just a tiny bit was given)

he has fever since then. and i brought him back to the vet for antibiotic injection and also oral ones at home. he is still not recovering from fever. :( what could be the cause?

i am bringing him to another vet for xray BUT for now the doc is on emergency leave till thursday.

could it be that his roots is infecting his tear duct and eye socket?

I'm afraid I don't know much about it, but it sounds like a vet is needed ASAP.

I hope someone with experience in this will answer your question soon!
Infection is a likely cause. Take him back to the vet ASAP. Not eating and a fever is an emergency situation.

Yeah, if the infection is bad enough that he is running a fever, a vet should be seen. They can cool him down, give anti-inflammatories if needed, and maybe use a stronger antibiotic injection. Sorry we don't have a lot to help you here, but fever with not eating is one of the things you can't really treat at home, even if you have an idea of what the cause is.
hey guys!

appreciate that u guys replied me! my bunny will be happy to know that!...
after a long 3 hours wait at the vet...they took xray( roots are close to eye socket) but they are not rotten so she cant pull them out. tried flushing his tear duct but its blocked by his teeth( tried several times) and file his teeth down which was like a bridge from bottom left to bottom right.

i think....THINK fever is due to minor bloat? btw, doc could not see any infection from the she just ask to monitor him with antibiotic and metacam. =] hope he gets well soon!
They can remove teeth that are not infected if necessary.

I am concerned about when you say it might be bloat. Bloat is gas in the stomach, and there's nothing you can do about it (a vet can help, usually)--it is very serious. Gas in the intestines, though, can be helped by at-home care, and is more likely. It's possible that the antibiotics are upsetting his normal GI bacteria, causing gas to build up from non-normal bacteria. A treatment for this would be simethicone and massages. You can't do massage on a bunny with bloat---it is dangerous.

So if you think it is in the intestines and not the stomach, try gentle counterclockwise massage on the belly. Also, human or baby gas meds that contain only simethicone can be used. Here we have baby gas meds that are easy to give because they are a liquid. We also have chewable adult simethicone tablets that are a good dose for bunnies and some bunnies like the taste. I don't know what you can find in Malaysia, but I bet you can find something that is just simethicone. Many gas remedies also contain an antacid, like sodium bicarbonate or hydroxide. These are not good for a rabbit's GI tract because a highly acidic gut is good for rabbit GI bacteria--an antacid will make the gut less acidic and that's not good for the bacteria.

Also, if you can find a probiotic that would be good too. Here we try to have people give a probiotic whenever their bunny is on antibiotics because of the GI bacteria balance issue. We have some good veterinary probiotics, like ProBios and BeneBac. In the UK they have FibrePlex, I think. It can be hard to find these things in other countries. ProBios is for livestock, horses, and dogs/cats, so we usually find it at the farm supply store. BeneBac is for dogs/cats, so that's found at the pet store. If you can't find these, any human probiotic will be fine. If you get capsules, you can break it open and sprinkle it on wet greens--many will eat it that way. Otherwise you can dissolve the powder or a crushed tablet in some water and give orally.

It is good that he is on metacam as well--gas is painful and that should help. It could also bring the fever down because it is an anti-inflammatory. How high a fever are we talking? Are you taking his temp, or just estimating it based on ear temperature?
Thanks for the reply!

my doctor asked to observe him for now. as long as the infection is not that bad, she ask to use ciloxan as eyedrops for 10 days till its clear.

bloat? hmm...i saw the xray! wow...poor bunny. i was feeding him probiotic for that pass 2 weeks...once every 2 1/2 hour. so tiring! worse of all...its syringe feeding! he hates me now! everytime he sees me...he runs. i guess its for now. ;) i give him 1 little tiny scoop of benebac powder too in his feed like once in 3 days. but somehow his gas is still there! i guess it is from the pain the teeth was giving. stress too. i give him massages too! he loves them! he will stretch out and let me do it too!

i got a friend of mine from australia to get me 'de gas' peppermint flavour. but it is in the first aid. have not use it before. ;) got some simethicone from the doctor. i stop giving it to him when i saw him pooping nothing but some foamy bubbles. must be those toxic gas that came out! i heard his gas coming out from his rear end too! that was funny! :D


most of the simethicone here has those stuff u mention, that is why i did not get them and asked my friend to get it for me! but my vet has them too! just that i got to travel 1 hour away to see this vet(one of the ONLY RABBIT SAVVY doc i could find! 5th doc i have seen) sad huh? :( it is stressing too.

based on his ears(touching). it was hard for me to get the reader to put it into his er....ya...i do not have those temperature reader. i know i can get one from the pharmacy/chemist. which should i get? as in type? or any will do?

i brought him to the vet(filing on friday)everyday till today for his metacam injection cause i do not dare to give it to him myself!(1 hour drive down there and back) i guess ill have to learn? cause the ride might be stressful for him? do u think so? i know there is an oral one but she will have to order it in!! :(

thank you again...ill save all u have written and keep reading them so i remember all those when i go shopping outside at pharmacy or chemist...OR whenever my friends return from the STATES or AUSTRALIA!

your information really mean a lot to me and my bunny rabbit! thank you. i really appreciate it!

btw, my rabbit is almost 3 now. male...i am procrastinating to get him neutered....should i? i should right? he is realll stubborn and real wild! i am sure he will bite the stitches away! he was once on Elizabeth colar, my gawd....i nearly got a heart attaack!! he started banging the walls and lying dead! i tried picking him up but he just did not wanna move! like dead weight with eyes open and breathing realllllllyyyyy fast!


What was the bunny's temp?
A rabbit's normal temp may vary several degrees depending on time of year, environment and stress but usually will be between 101 degrees F and 104 degrees F ( 38 degrees C to 40 degrees C) If it is lower than 100 degrees F and higher than 105 degrees F you have a problem.

I am posting this because some vets who are not really rabbit saavy have diagnosed fevers in buns who actually have normal temps

Your topic is titled "molar removal"

How many molars were removed ? You have discussed filing but not the extractions.

Ihad a bun that had multiple molar extractions and could not chew food at all( lost the ability to grind) . he ate a slurry of critical care blended with timothy pellets for years and did well.