Mocha's getting neutered

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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2005
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Sheboygan, Wisconsin, USA
I just got back from dropping Mocha off for hisneuter. Man, is it going to cost more than I thought! When I got aprice quote, it didn't include bloodwork and they didn't tell me therewas a laser surgery option. I consider the blood work necessary and Itook one look at the laser surgery description and saw less pain, lessblood loss, and faster recovery listed in the benefits and immediatelysigned on the dotted line.

I'm worried about him though. I can't help it. He was absolutelyterrified. When I opened his carrier he pressed himself back as far ashe could and started making little grunting noises that I've neverheard before. But he had to come out to get weighed- the vet tech hadme handle him the whole time because he was so scared. She said shewould keep him in his carrier until he had to come out instead ofputting him in one of their cages. At least that will make him a littlemore comfortable.

So I am basicly looking for advise on how to make him feel better whenhe gets home. I use Carefresh bedding and I will be disinfectingeverything in his cage. I stopped at the grocery store and got hisfavorite greens- endive, cilantro, and red leaf lettuce. Is thereanything else I can do?
Homer had this done last week at this time..whenI brought him home other than being a lil tired you'd never know he hadanything done. His recovery was remarkable!! He didn't havestiches, they glued things back together, dunno if that helped orwhat. Males recover much quicker than females from thesurgery. He did not have the laser kind.

Good luck and keep us posted on how he does.
Just keep him (and the area around him) as quietas possible and make sure he's eating, drinking, pooing,peeing. He may not eat or drink for a few hours, but shouldperk up soon after.

Napoleon had his neuter six weeks ago and was acting normally when I brought him home.

Don't worry too much (I know, it's hard not to). He'll be fine. Keep us posted.

Sending good thoughts your way,


Both my bucks wanted to run around and act crazywhen I brought them home, but I kept them in their cage for a full 24hours. They were not happy, but they needed to heal up.

I'm sure he'll be fine. A bit of his favorite treat won't hurt either, of course. :)
I was told to call at 3 pm. That's when heshould be waking up, and they'll be able to tell from that if he'sdoing okay and if I'll be able to take him home yet.

Two more hours. :ponder:

Wow..Homer was out of surgery by 10 and eating shortly after! Couldn't pick him up til 3 tho. I'm bad...I'd be callin!
I'm resisting the urge to call.

I think it's taking a long time because they do the bloodwork and asecond physical before giving the okay for anesthesia. I've seen otherssay that their bun's bloodwork was done a week or so before thesurgery. All he had last week was a physical.
Both Monkeys! were a bit tired, but both ate like little piggys!


I had to keep them with little to no excercise for 10 days, and thethey had to go for a re check, and given the ok before they wereallowed out! It wasn't fun AT ALL!!!!!

Carolyn advised me to keep some nutrical on hand incase they wouldn't eat, I never had to use it, but it's good to have around!


Your better than I am!! I feel bad, but I alsofigure I am paying them for this service, so they can get over it ifthey are pissy if I call!
10 DAYS?:shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock:

I don't think that's going to happen. Not unless Mocha feels THATbadly. You should see him beg to get let out. It's so cute, I wouldn'tbe able to resist him if he does that. Not to mention he's territorialof his cage when he's in it. He lets me put food in, but he gets upsetabout anything else if he's in there. And if I don't clean thelitterbox, he'll be climbing a mountain of poo in no time flat!

I KNOW! 10 DAYS is a LONG time....

When I cleaned they're cage, i'd let them run for a few minutes, but then it was right back in there!

I was lucky..HOmer came home on NO restrictions!YEAH!! That nite he was tired so I let him be, but since then its beenback to normal!
Hi,everyone, just thought I'd add a fewsentences about Gimli and his visit to the vet...... last Fri. 20th. OnSat. I brought him home and put him back in his kennel/house. He wasquite quiet that day and all of Sun. This morning I found ALL of hishay scattered and he had yanked off the urine guards around his house !He was hopping back and forth, and now & then he would do asideways jump, mid-air:shock:!!!!! Guess hefeels better !:D! I hope to completely remove theurine guards soon, and then move him to a larger kennel after he'slitter-trained.

Our home is having an addition put on it, then the master bedroom willbe larger. My plan is for Gimli to have the run of this room,as well as his outdoor run. Gimli LOVES to have hishead & ears rubbed, he sits very still when someone does this !

Hope Mocha feels better soon :).

Kadish Tolesa :rainbow:

He's a she! I just got Mocha back from the vet and he was actually agirl! The whole vet office was in an uproar, they'll probably bepicking on the vet that did the physical last week- she swore that shefelt a testicle before they got sucked up!

This is actually even more funny because the pet shop and my hubbyinitially sexed Mocha as a girl and my mother-in-law sexed him as a boya week later. She used to breed New Zealand Whites and she swore up anddown that it was a boy and she got his penis to poke out.:laugh:

I'm supposed to restrict her activities for two weeks. Sigh. And theyweren't able to do the blood work. Mocha's veins kept collapsing andthe vet said she stopped trying after the 4th!!!!!!!!!

She's very sore right now, no meds unless she's still in a lot of painin 12 hours. Hopefully it won't be long until she's back tothis::jumpforjoy::runningrabbit::judo::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:
Somehow the doesn't suprise me!! My vet was shocked that my 2 boys had been sexed correctly!!!

Glad shes doin ok...the surgery is alot harder on girls from what I've heard as its alot more invasive...but she'll be fine!
That happened to me, too. At least youhave a name that's suited for a girl. My bunnie's name wasMr. Snuggles. Needless to say, we dropped the "Mr."

Glad to hear everything went okay.

Keep us posted on little Mocha.


naturestee wrote:
10 DAYS?:shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock:

I don't think that's going to happen. Not unless Mocha feels THATbadly. You should see him beg to get let out. It's so cute, I wouldn'tbe able to resist him if he does that. Not to mention he's territorialof his cage when he's in it. He lets me put food in, but he gets upsetabout anything else if he's in there. And if I don't clean thelitterbox, he'll be climbing a mountain of poo in no time flat!

Put him in his pet carrier (or a cardboard box, or the bathtub) whenyou are cleaning his cage. The recovery for a male is soooomuch shorter than for a female! My Star was under restrictionfor 30 days!! Well, she wasn't allowed to get dirtyfor that long. It was 14 days till she could come out andexcercise. My boy (if he had his way) would have been out thenext day. He was running the Bunny 500 & binkyinglike a mad man 9 days after...

Good luck and keep us posted!

I had to sleep a bit- I work 3rd shift andMondays always work wierd for me. Mocha hasn't eaten any of her greensbut they may have just wilted before she got to them. She was settledinto her cardboard tent when I went to bed, and now she's in herlitterbox. I don't see any poo, but it's hard to see around her. Shetakes up most of the litterbox. I do see a pee spot, and I saw herdrink before I slept. She was giving me a bit of a mournful look:sad:

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