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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2004
Reaction score
Bubville, , USA
I noticed recently that my Hollands had a mildcase of mites, with a tiny patch of bald flaky skin under the ears (andPandemonium had a tiny patch on her forehead). I treated, as usual,with flea powder, and noticed Pandemonium's hair growing back. Seemsthat all is well.

But I am curious--do most lops have veryoily skin, prone todandruff and sparse fine hair right under the ears? Because theynormally have that, even when there are no mites.

Just wondering if it's this particular line (all three are related)or common to lops....

It's most likely ear wax at the base of theear. However, lops may be more prone to problems, as thelopped ears can provide a warm, moist environment that invites fungalor bacterial infections. A little rubbing alcohol can be usedto clean the ear and it also has a drying effect.

Thanks! I usually suspect mites (I almost typedmice, lolol) when I see a bit of hair loss in addition, because thatflaking is "just there".

thanks for the tip about rubbing alcohol, but I won't tell Pandemoniumyou told me because she will hate you....hehehehehe She says DO NOTtouch my ears!!!

She runs around madly shaking her head when she gets anything put on her ears....


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