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Jun 7, 2006
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I have a rabbit about one and a half yearsold. He has almost always rattled his cage very loudlywhenever I put him away. I am home for the summer from schooland bunny has to stay in my room, but he rattles the cage all nightlong, preventing me from sleeping. I can not figure out whyhe does this.

I have tried many solutions, none of which have worked:

I thought maybe he didnt get out of his cage enough, but I let himoutevery second im home and when he is out he just lays downanyway,sometimes in his cage!

ThenI thought he wasnt getting enough food and was hungry,but i feed him unlimited hay, and plenty of fresh fruits, veggiesandgrees throughout the day.I try to feedhim when herattles the cagein case he is hungry,but that doesntstop the rattling. I also dontwantto feed him when he rattles the cage becuseIdont want him to think that rattleing the cage equals food.

I have moved his cageaway fromair ventsin case that was botering him. His cage is very large and hehas plenty of room to move around.

I have also tried to keep him out whileI sleep butthisprooved to be dangerous for him becuase i would wake upto find him jumping onto thehighest place he could and Imafraid he'll fall or get hurt.

I have tried ignoring him, thinking maybe he would relaize he wasnt getting attention and stop, but that didnt work.

I can not find any information online about other rabbits doingthis. And I cant think of anything else to try. AndI do not know why he is doing it. If anyone has any ideas, orsuggestions I would appriciate it. Thank you!
Luckily, I haven't had this problem yet with mytwo buns, but I've heard that it's common for rabbits to rattle andmake excessive noise in their cage. They do it alot when they knowsomeone is in the room, aswell. You could place various toysin his cage, and those wooden chew blockthings you can danglefrom the bars/wires so he can knock them around. Hopefully, he'll wearhimself out by the time you have to go to bed.:)
I didnt know it was a common problem=). I do have toys in there and stuff to chew on.Do you suggest anything specifically? He gets bored with thetoys so fast, at first he's really excited and then he doesnt touchthem lol. Hes like a little kid.
Hi! Welcome to the forum!

When you're at school, is he usually in your bedroom? If not,maybe he thinks he should be getting attention because he can seeyou. You could try draping a sheet over the cage.You'll probably have to prop it away from the side of the cage so hedoesn't chew on it. It might calm him down because he can'tsee you. Just be sure that he's getting enough ventilationand he's not getting too hot.
That could work,

I kept him in a different room than I Slept up at school. Hedoes seem to do it only when he knows im there. Ill trycovering it and see if that helps


Okwe are a little bunn nuts around here so don't anyone look atus funny OK??:lookaround

With having too darn many cats and well on the way to having too manybunns(is there such a thing?)We have run into differentbehavioral things and tried loads of different things to fixthem. This is where the weird part comes in(my family sayswe're weird! It's OK though cause ourbunns loveus!!:bunnydance: ) We ran into this problem withour boy Solembum! He was actually in the room next to us butI am a VERY light sleeper!! It is so bad I wear earplugs to bed! (how sexy is that!! :rofl:)

He would rattle his X-pen non-stop!! So I put a night lightbeside hisX-pen and...I gave him one of mynightshirts! I slept in it for a couplenights so ithad my scent on it and then I let him have it as ablankie!:crazinessIt wasn't a perfect solution...but ithelped alot. He was a lot quieter after that...and after aweek or so he just stopped making noise altogether!

Hope this helps!

I've never had a problem with Mocha rattling hercage (she is in a different room than where i sleep) but one weekend mymom and my aunt came to visit so I slept in the living room wheremocha's cage is, and all night she was biting her cage and making somuch noise:shock:!!! I couldn't believe it. But I figured it was b/cshe could see me and wanted to play or be petted! So maybe covering thecage like what was suggested really will help:D Good luck!!
Just a tip since you said your rabbit gets boredwith toys fast. Try giving just one or 2 to the rabbit at a time andalternate toys every week. That way it's like a new toy all over again.At least, it's worked for me!
I used to have that same problem notto long ago, and it was also suggested to me to cover his cage with asheet, and wanted to let you know it worked like acharm!:bunnydance::colors::elephant:
wow these are all great suggegtions, thank you everyone. Ill have to start trying them all to see what works! Thanks