I have a rabbit about one and a half yearsold. He has almost always rattled his cage very loudlywhenever I put him away. I am home for the summer from schooland bunny has to stay in my room, but he rattles the cage all nightlong, preventing me from sleeping. I can not figure out whyhe does this.
I have tried many solutions, none of which have worked:
I thought maybe he didnt get out of his cage enough, but I let himoutevery second im home and when he is out he just lays downanyway,sometimes in his cage!
ThenI thought he wasnt getting enough food and was hungry,but i feed him unlimited hay, and plenty of fresh fruits, veggiesandgrees throughout the day.I try to feedhim when herattles the cagein case he is hungry,but that doesntstop the rattling. I also dontwantto feed him when he rattles the cage becuseIdont want him to think that rattleing the cage equals food.
I have moved his cageaway fromair ventsin case that was botering him. His cage is very large and hehas plenty of room to move around.
I have also tried to keep him out whileI sleep butthisprooved to be dangerous for him becuase i would wake upto find him jumping onto thehighest place he could and Imafraid he'll fall or get hurt.
I have tried ignoring him, thinking maybe he would relaize he wasnt getting attention and stop, but that didnt work.
I can not find any information online about other rabbits doingthis. And I cant think of anything else to try. AndI do not know why he is doing it. If anyone has any ideas, orsuggestions I would appriciate it. Thank you!
I have tried many solutions, none of which have worked:
I thought maybe he didnt get out of his cage enough, but I let himoutevery second im home and when he is out he just lays downanyway,sometimes in his cage!
ThenI thought he wasnt getting enough food and was hungry,but i feed him unlimited hay, and plenty of fresh fruits, veggiesandgrees throughout the day.I try to feedhim when herattles the cagein case he is hungry,but that doesntstop the rattling. I also dontwantto feed him when he rattles the cage becuseIdont want him to think that rattleing the cage equals food.
I have moved his cageaway fromair ventsin case that was botering him. His cage is very large and hehas plenty of room to move around.
I have also tried to keep him out whileI sleep butthisprooved to be dangerous for him becuase i would wake upto find him jumping onto thehighest place he could and Imafraid he'll fall or get hurt.
I have tried ignoring him, thinking maybe he would relaize he wasnt getting attention and stop, but that didnt work.
I can not find any information online about other rabbits doingthis. And I cant think of anything else to try. AndI do not know why he is doing it. If anyone has any ideas, orsuggestions I would appriciate it. Thank you!