Mini Rex info?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2005
Reaction score
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Now that I'm a total slave to abittylittle 2-year-old neutered male Mini Rex (Dill), a former house bunny,rescued fromstark wire cage (absolutely nothing in it but anattached metal food tray) in an unheated shed, I'd liketoknow more general info abouttheirpersonalities,any health issues, genetictraits, etc..

I think he's about to go into a molt, is that Rex fur going to be worse than my dwarf's?

He's an escape artist.He broke outtwiceand had two major fights with my foster dwarf, Sherry, when it was herrun time.Andhe obviously didn't get alongwith with the Lop he lived with, they had separate cages,butthe Lophas been bonded to another rabbitsince.

He's the engergizer bunny so far, he never stops. He's themost outgoing and friendly rabbit I've ever met--aslong as you don't do something he doesn'twantyou to do, then he's quite the nipper, but he goes for'teaching' areas like the arm and stomach, he doesn't bite faces orhands. And he doesn't hold a grudge. He's back atyour feet or lap withinseconds.

He'll eat anything but rabbit food, including walls, doors, plastic,plaster and carpets. And what a digger!He stands up and paws/digs at your legs, and when you're nuzzling himat his level, he loves it, but he doesn't kiss back, his 'term ofendearment' is to start digging at the hair on the top of your head(fast butgentle). He's also the only bunny I havethatlikes digging in the catbox.

Not sure if he's making up for lost time, or if it's a lifer thing. (He's a keeper).

Love to hear some other experiences.

sas:wiggle (and pipp :not listening)
Total slave also

Mini Rex fur is better I think but is harder to clean up because it sticks to EVERYTHING

My Mini Rex cant get along with anyone... He used to be housed withmultiple males to breed but they would continue to get in fights and sonow its him all by himself.

Leo bit me only once and I was trying to show him off to my friendNatasha and he didn't like it and bit my hand.Leo never stops and willcontinue going on forever... Even when the lop needs to sleep all day.And he loves to dig. Holes in dirt, carpet, tile, your arm, the couch,blanket. Anything!!

Leo loves to eat everything also. Especially carpet and leaves. But henocks all of his pellets out of his bowl and refuses to touch them!!
Mini Rex fur islighter than air, and like bunnylover said, it does tend to stick tothings. Ihave Rex's fur on my walls:rofl:

My favorite method for grooming (whichwill work very well considering how friendly Dill is) istofind something good on TV, cover myself in a towel or blanket(something that can easily be shaken out afterwards), and sit him on mylap. I alternate between brushing, plucking* and wetting my hands thenrubbing him down (the dampness will pick up tons of strayfur).

*I don't actually pull the fur out, thoughthat works if he's got a bunch of clumps. Instead I run my hands overthe fuzzed out areas, rubbing my thumb and forefinger together. Thisgrabs the hair and gently draws it out, without bothering the rabbittoo much at all.

Rex is my escape artist and all-aroundtrouble maker. He's not quite as daring as Peanut is, but he candefinitely be very sneaky. Just readthisthread :cool:

:ponder: Well, so much for the idea that he's just acting out after his ordeal. :sigh

But he really is some bunny! :inlove:

Are they more prone to any health issues? Anythingparticular tokeep an eye on?
MR aresusceptible to sorehocks. The fur on their feet typically isn't thick enough toprotect them well enough.

Other than that, no real health issues outside therisks ofthe "norm" other issuesthat can also be seeninother breeds & crosses... Abscess, Malocclusion,etc. They're no more prone to those than other breeds.
All of my mini rexes had problems withfur getting into their eyes and I had to clean it out very often. Butthats it other than sore hocks which someone already mentioned.

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